Surgeon recommendations: How did you choose a surgeon?

Posted by nikkifrn @nikkifrn, Jul 30, 2023

I am waiting for biopsy results but a radiologist told me he is sure I have breast cancer based on ultrasound characteristics of a mass. Can anyone give me surgeon recommendations? I feel like I’m going in blind! Thank you!

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Thank you!
I live an hour away from a teaching hospital and about 4 hours from Mayo. I want to try to go to the “best” place I can within 4-5 hours. I’m not sure how long it takes for it all to happen. This radiologist placed a clip with the biopsy so I feel he must be certain though I agree that without the biopsy result it’s hard to make any appointments.

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Hello, I went to a teaching hospital Massey Cancer Center in Va. I had the most amazing experience with my team of doctors. Their knowledge was superb. I had invasive cancer Stage 2. They are more in tune with new technologies and drugs. I wasn’t a just a number I was a person. I volunteered to be in trial so I can help all women going forward with this disease. I am monitored more closely which I feel is good. Because I had dense breast my team of doctors approved me to get mri in between my mammograms which is wonderful. I can’t say enough about The Massey cancer Center.
Go check out the teaching school. look up the oncology doctors first and then choose one that fits your needs. I work at national institute of health so I know to well on how peer review works.


The same thing happened to me at a teaching hospital, and I was not informed in advance. I did my research and selected a top level surgeon and I found out after the fact that a resident did my surgery. I would have paid out-of-pocket rather than be a participant in on-the-job training. Also dealing with residual problems.

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I can understand. I've learned to ask the surgeon when talking with them whether they will be doing the surgery themselves. Some of the teaching hospitals are virtually run by residents and we often aren't told the status of the person seeing us. "Dr. So-and-So" has earned the title Doctor when they are a resident so we may not know. BTW, some residents are very good, but we still should get to know the qualifications of the person serving us and whether the attending physician will actually be in the room supervising.


If going to a clinic that has a residency / fellow program, make sure to ask your surgeon who will be doing surgery. And you can request that the "staff" person do the surgery. If they have a probem with that and your not comfortable, then ask for another surgeon or go to another clinic.

I had a bad expereince with a fellow doing a GI procedure, I have another one coming up this month and will be requesting that the consultant do the procedure, not just be in the room.



If going to a clinic that has a residency / fellow program, make sure to ask your surgeon who will be doing surgery. And you can request that the "staff" person do the surgery. If they have a probem with that and your not comfortable, then ask for another surgeon or go to another clinic.

I had a bad expereince with a fellow doing a GI procedure, I have another one coming up this month and will be requesting that the consultant do the procedure, not just be in the room.


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Same here...vulvar surgery. Totally missed the malignancy first time around. Wise to ask questions!


I just saw on the portal that I’ve been placed with a new surgeon not far out of fellowship. Would it be bad to request someone else?


I just saw on the portal that I’ve been placed with a new surgeon not far out of fellowship. Would it be bad to request someone else?

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@nikkifrn, are you going to Mayo Clinic? If yes, remember that surgeons work as a team. You will be in good hands.


<p>DCIS of the left breast . 53 years old . Visited breast surgeon already . Going for second opinion next week ... mood swings , can't stop crying and make myself thinking positive... How to choose the best surgeon ? Few names from friends were given to me from Miami university hospital , Mayo Clinic , Baptist health Miami .....<br />I live in West Palm Beach so my concern is traveling everyday for treatment after surgery , like radiation ...<br />I have friends which offered help in Miami or Jacksonville so I could stay there during the process ....<br />I also read about radiation and see that there are proton therapy , IORT, 15 days , 30 days .... according to the surgeon they don't know details about treatment yet since another pathology will be done after lumpectomy ...not every hospital has updated equipment I guess ... since this is left breast and hearth underneath, I am extremely concerned...Also my genetic testing is scheduled for month after surgery and what if I have mutation in genes ? Then another , more serious surgery will be done ? Shouldn't genetic testing be done before lumpectomy ? I am not sure how to choose the right facility and surgeon and what I should concentrate on ... history of anxiety is definitely factor to all of it . I just want to make smart decisions and feel comfortable about my choices .... Thank you all . Prayers for all of you ladies going through this horrible experience! Ugh !</p>


<p>DCIS of the left breast . 53 years old . Visited breast surgeon already . Going for second opinion next week ... mood swings , can't stop crying and make myself thinking positive... How to choose the best surgeon ? Few names from friends were given to me from Miami university hospital , Mayo Clinic , Baptist health Miami .....<br />I live in West Palm Beach so my concern is traveling everyday for treatment after surgery , like radiation ...<br />I have friends which offered help in Miami or Jacksonville so I could stay there during the process ....<br />I also read about radiation and see that there are proton therapy , IORT, 15 days , 30 days .... according to the surgeon they don't know details about treatment yet since another pathology will be done after lumpectomy ...not every hospital has updated equipment I guess ... since this is left breast and hearth underneath, I am extremely concerned...Also my genetic testing is scheduled for month after surgery and what if I have mutation in genes ? Then another , more serious surgery will be done ? Shouldn't genetic testing be done before lumpectomy ? I am not sure how to choose the right facility and surgeon and what I should concentrate on ... history of anxiety is definitely factor to all of it . I just want to make smart decisions and feel comfortable about my choices .... Thank you all . Prayers for all of you ladies going through this horrible experience! Ugh !</p>

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Welcome @enaska1. Fellow member @nikkifrn started a similar discussion recently, so I moved your message here to read previous posts:
- Surgeon recommendations: How did you choose a surgeon?

Typing "surgeon" or "surgery" into the Breast Cancer support group Search also gives many other helpful discussions to explore:

Naturally, I'm biased and strongly recommend Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. If you're interested in seeking a second opinion there, here's how to get started

In response to your questions about genetic testing, it is my understanding that genetic testing would not influence your surgical choices. Once the tumor is removed it will be tested and the genetic profile will provide information that will guide further treatment choices like which treatments will be most effective for your genetic markers if you have any. It may also be determined that will not need further treatment.

You will make the right choices with your team. You're not alone. And besides, you have an entire community here to walk this journey with. Keep asking questions!


Welcome @enaska1. Fellow member @nikkifrn started a similar discussion recently, so I moved your message here to read previous posts:
- Surgeon recommendations: How did you choose a surgeon?

Typing "surgeon" or "surgery" into the Breast Cancer support group Search also gives many other helpful discussions to explore:

Naturally, I'm biased and strongly recommend Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. If you're interested in seeking a second opinion there, here's how to get started

In response to your questions about genetic testing, it is my understanding that genetic testing would not influence your surgical choices. Once the tumor is removed it will be tested and the genetic profile will provide information that will guide further treatment choices like which treatments will be most effective for your genetic markers if you have any. It may also be determined that will not need further treatment.

You will make the right choices with your team. You're not alone. And besides, you have an entire community here to walk this journey with. Keep asking questions!

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Thank you so much !

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