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What caused my knee to buckle?

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Oct 2, 2023 | Replies (28)

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I have had two total knee replacements. Both were done in 2015 - three months apart. I also had a hip replaced in January 2021 and a shoulder (reverse shoulder replacement) two months ago. All of these new joints feel like my own normal joints. I had absolutely no pain after the hip and shoulder surgeries. I had some pain with the knees for about two weeks after the surgeries; otherwise, none at all since.
The same surgeon did the knees and the hip. A different surgeon did the shoulder. They were all done at Mayo in Rochester. I credit these two surgeons with my good outcomes as all four of these joints were in very dismal shape when they were replaced; I waited much to long for all of them. I had avascular necrosis in the hip and the shoulder. The knees were totally shot. (I was in pretty good shape, however, as I spent time daily in our swimming pool for years before these surgeries. With the knees and the hip, I could barely walk, however - it was much too painful.)
If you have a lot of pain or discomfort, I would schedule an appointment with a subspecialist revision surgeon at a high volume center with a great reputation for doing joint replacements. That may be the only way to get relief from pain and it may be the only way to get an opinion about what is wrong. Living with pain and discomfort is no way to live.

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Replies to "I have had two total knee replacements. Both were done in 2015 - three months apart...."

Wow! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear from another joint sufferer who has experienced success with joint replacement - and you pretty much take first place! I'm amazed that replacement was even possible in the presence of avascular necrosis. Good for you to seek out the right surgeons.

I'm 68, male and former marathon runner. I was pretty good too, running a few under 3 hours. But the running combined with osteoarthritis took away all running when I was about 48 y/o. Over the years it devolved to bone on bone.

I found a very skilled surgeon to do the TKRs in 2022. He worked for Froedert in Wisconsin, affiliated with the Medical College at UW in Madison, a very good medical college. My surgeon did his residency at the Cleveland Clinic, very close to Mayo in terms of excellent and up-to-date care.

I hired a trainer 8 months before my first replacement to get the muscles around my knee strong pre-surgery, and then followed the rehab exercises very closely and still work with a trainer. For both knees, I recovered completely within 2 months with 130 degrees ROM and zero degrees extension - and no pain. It was a life-changing experience.

Now my shoulder is acting up and will likely need to be replaced in a year or two - osteoarthritis again. How was your TSR recovery in terms of length? Did you have to sleep in a recliner for a period of time following surgery, and what was the rehab like?

All the best to you. And thanks so much for posting a success story. Along with great surgeons, I know you put a lot of work into your own recovery, and it is absolutely required for a good outcome. Good for you and well done!