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Hello, I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma 2 days ago and I am petrified. My anxiety level is through the roof! I'm trying to keep busy but the nausea feeling and pounding heart is over whelming.

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Replies to "Hello, I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma 2 days ago and I am petrified. My..."

Aw, I remember those feelings. They will subside once your treatment plan is underway -- I can assure you of this. You know how they say "knowledge is power?" it is really true. Just be sure to write down all your questions, and seek care in a medical environment where they specialize in these sorts of things. One thing I did right away was drink a lot of water and go organic with food. Think of it as getting your physical body ready for the fight. I also took a lot of walks. Coming onto this platform is a great start. There are many suppportive and informed people on this forum.

So very sorry!! I was diagnosed with the same in Feb and know exactly how you are feeling!! Feel free to message me if you want to chat.

I remember where you are so well as I was diagnosed in oct 2022 but like others have said once your treatment plan is solid you will feel much more in control. May we ask how yours was diagnosed as lobular sometimes tricky to pick up especially in dense breasts and an MRI before surgery helped with my plan! Keep us all posted! I’m 57 yrs and it was 1.8cm ER, pR positive, Hers negative. I had a lumpectomy and 19 radiation treatments at Dana Farber in Boston. I have my first mammo scan in 2 weeks for surveillance. Co

Gather tips from others and keep reading and looking up the vocabulary so you understand everything. I took my daughter and husband with me to my first post-diagnosis appointment and my daughter wrote down notes along with me. She caught things I had missed! We went home and combined and rewrote our notes. Next time I took a small recorder and asked whether I could tape record our consult. It really helped to gather all the facts presented. When the shock wears off I hope you'll feel empowered as I did by learning as much as you can on your own. This is new for us, even though our doctors rattle off facts, numbers, procedures with swift ease. I felt very confident because I tried to gather information from reputable medical sources like Mayo Clinic. You came to the right place! Hugs for strength!

@mrsth, deep breath. You're not alone.
I moved your message to this discussion that @francinemoran started just a few months ago that sounds very similar to your feelings.
- Just diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC): Any advice?

Click the link to see the helpful tips she got from fellow members.

Have you consulted with your cancer team about next steps and a treatment plan? How are you doing today?