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Hormone Therapy Questions

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Jun 10 12:47pm | Replies (12)

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Your real doctor should give you more info on the many ways to mitigate any side effects of ADT as well as any alternatives too ADT. If you don't get that, find another doctor.
For me, with mid-grade PC (Gleason 8) that escaped the capsule, ADT was my least favorite option with the same concerns as yours.
But after 18 months of Lupron I've progressed to being on a path to ending the ADT and have relieved the side effects.
I would also offer that "Dr Google" is a terrible source of info for making critical health decisions.
You might find good reference links there and find good questions for your real doctor; but otherwise IMneverHO Google (and Wiki) is just bad in this situation.
Plus, some manageable side effects are way better than chancing the progress of the PC.

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Replies to "Your real doctor should give you more info on the many ways to mitigate any side..."

I am on a similar path…last Lupron shot last month after 2yrs…ADT is not pleasant BUT manageable.. my psa remains undetectable… this treatment gives me the best chance for a positive outcome…stay active … live your life!

Dr. Stolz PCRI shares recent research Hormone Therapy. I found this helpful insight......and I believe a credible resource for those of us looking for direction along the way! Here is the link: https://youtu.be/cyY0nHXvzGc?si=siBqoClcFEaKZroo Would welcome your comments!

I sort of like Dr Google. Anything anyone has ever written is on google. Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Hospital, MD Anderson. Every Dr that has ever published. Including whats being written on this thread. That even has some interesting points.

Been on Orgovyx for 3 months and xtandi for 1.5 months
Gleason was 3+4 10 yrs ago prior to have RP at ucla. Psa was 10 then
Psa began to rise to 3.6 2 years ago
5 SBRT treatments
Psa went to .6 but rose to .8 1.5 years later. 3 lymph nodes were involved. 2 resolved one shrank.
Psma showed new quite small pelvic lymph node which ucla felt was too small
To radiate
1.5 months after starting on Orgovyx psa .1 testosterone 6
Next labs are in July
Side effects: off and on mild fatigue
no libido
No weight gain
No hot flashes
No other issues
Cost of both meds after initial copay is 0
Exercise daily
Proper nutrition and supplements