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Thank you laurasn. I'm sorry to hear about your lung disease. Truly, don't you get so angry at times over this virus that was created and robbed us of our life?

Thank you so much Brenda for your prayers.

Every week is another nightmare. Last week I developed a cold sore and I am 68 yrs young and have never had a cold sore in my life.

This week I have Oral Candidiasis and tongue is all coated and sore to include my esophagus, so I'm sure it spreat further since I noted the coated tongue when I went to see a new PCP (praying he could help) months ago and also showed him the red spot in back of my throat with the white/creamy center. He was of not help, wouldn't really say much other than its probably just a tonsil stone. Wrong! At the end of the appt he said I don't believe in Long Covid and it's just anxiety. OMG! Now, here I am left w/o a good PCP. Not to mention, I live in WI and he's in IL, but I was willing to travel if it meant good care and treat.

When I told him about my constant stomach and flank pain he said go see a GI specialist. I told him I've gone that route, tested extensively with Ultra sounds, CT scan and MRI all to no avail, even a HIDA scan of my gallbladder. GI wants me to do a CT scan (yes, let's swallow more radiation, which I did so many times, not to mention the HIDA scan and MRI dyes, etc) and wants me to get a colonoscopy. I told him I'M DOWN TO 89 LBS NOW and the prep for the colonoscopy and weight loss would make me collapse. He doesn't care.

I reached out to him regarding the oral thrush and he said I would have to come into the office, even though I sent him very clear pics, but' I'm too ill to even leave the house at this point. My internal trembling in my chest, pain, etc has now taken a toll. I'm sure given the extreme weight loss has damaged my organs as well.

All because I could not get any doctors to listen to me for 3 yrs. I love life so much and this is all so hard. I really wanted to enjoy my retirement years. Last night my skin was on FIRE along with pain. I took Benadryl which helps a very tiny bit. If I call 911 the hospital won't know what to do and just send me home. Not to mention with the new Covid variant spreading like mad, the hospital is the last place we want to go!


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Replies to "Thank you laurasn. I'm sorry to hear about your lung disease. Truly, don't you get so..."

I've read some of your posts and feel sad about how desperate you sound. If you have candidiasis, you should get that treated, even if you have to call 911 to get to a doctor. There's no way they can say that that is just anxiety.

Holy cow! My sincere sympathy!

Some ideas:
1. Contact your health insurance. See if they offer nurse consultants.
The health insurance company nurse who helped me was fabulous!! Cut through the red tape and my confusion with a machete! A wonderful woman who put patients first.

2. My church offers help. Not as efficient as the insurance nurse. And with the insurance nurse, I didn't really need the church help.

3. The county and state that I live in both have services for the aging. Maybe yours do, too. Tell them how much you weigh and I bet they'll send you help fast. I don't think a white lie about your age would be sinful.

Wishing you some relief SOON !!

I'm so sorry to hear this - it must be just awful for you.
Covid is real - guidelines for diagnosing long covid were recently released (heard about MD on long covid podcast)- so docs use patient symptoms to classify long covid (there are 10 + different diagnoses!) one of mine is "long covid 19 - dyspnea on exertion" and I have a separate one for blood pressure..
This doc created the app "VISIBLE" - track symptoms - show provider.

*** disclaimer - I'm not a healthcare provider - everything below is my long covid story - what I have learned over the past 2 years, and how my docs have been treating me...

Being asked to go in for an office visit in your situation seems unreasonable. - Do they do telehealth visits?- you sent pictures, and told them you are too ill to leave the house. One option would be to send written/email messages to them, describing symptoms, too ill to leave house for office visit, plus pics.

Is urgent care/immediate care available? Some do telehealth visits.

What I've learned/ my treatment over the past 2 years. Covid symptoms are related to the inflammation from the virus.

Pulmonologist said shortness of breath was bc the virus had triggered severe GERD (can cause cough and shortness of breath) and nausea.
He prescribed: albuterol inhaler (initially I used it every day, then as needed), and advair inhaler (for lung inflammation)
My primary doc put me on omeprazole and famotidine for GERD, and ondansetron for nausea (dissolvable tablet).
I also went to physical therapy to strengthen breathing muscles, and she had me do exercises for the vagus nerve. PT helped me immensely. I was able to increase physical activity - gave me hope.

I went to psychiatrist bc thought I was going crazy bc of the anxiety. I didn't know covid also affects the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) and worsens/ leads to anxiety and depression. I didn't want to take meds- he gave me a very low dose med for anxiety to use as needed. It helps. I also use the app "Balance" to help with stress and anxiety - lots of techniques/strategies.

The fatigue (PEM- post exertional malaise) has been the worst part - it never goes away and can be debilitating.
I'm using the app "stresswatch" - monitors heart rate variability (HRV) - which is a direct indicator of fatigue. It sends notifications throughout the day - I change/stop what I'm doing to rest/sleep when I get "Pay attention" or "Overload" - I'm doing better at pacing activity/ getting the warning notifications less.
The good news is there is research addressing the symptoms.-
A couple of new things for the PEM, not fully researched or in use, but promising.

Providers- what providers/specialists are available in network? Read their bios/background, what they are interested in; maybe call office/insurer- what's experience with long covid.
(you probably already do this) but bring all test results/reports with you.

To help with med costs;
I use "Goodrx" - discount/cost less -
I hope something here helps-