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I have taken atorvastatin for several years with zero side effects - other than significantly lowered LDL - 40-45. Vascepa with 45-50 triglycerides.

Poppy - what DNA test and what does it determine? Other than weight as an issue, what are you lipid numbers? Does your daughter also have weight issue? What are her doecific lipid numbers?

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Replies to "I have taken atorvastatin for several years with zero side effects - other than significantly lowered..."

The DNA test tells you whether certain medications will work for you.

The DNA test is called PGX multi - it’s a personalised medication Report. It shows which medications you will have an adverse reaction, no reaction or an altered reaction. I have very little that actually works for me anc that is why I had the blood test.
Report summary identifies which of the patients listed medications have pharmacogenomic information elevate to the genes tested, with an indication of the clinical importance of this information( ie Major, Minor or Usual prescribing considerations) Genetic test results overview- genotype result for the nine genes test( ie six genes encoding CYP 450 metabolising enzymes relevant to a large number of medications, VKORC1 which relates to statin induced myopathy and OPRM1 which relates to morphine sensitivity).Medications of interest- details of interaction between the patients genetic results and their medication, based on the current scientific literature as well as clinical recommendations, many sourced from peer reviewed, published guidelines
Potential drug interactions- i dentifrices which of the patients listed medications can significantly inhibit or induceCYp enzymes, as they may modify the genotype- prescribed enzyme function
My DNA test was done by Genomic Diagnostics as requested by my specialist.
Statins will help if your levels are high as it helps make plaque more stable so you calcium score will go up when you are taking statins.
My cholesterol, lipids etc all in normal range. I’m 5 feet 10 “ tall with strong bones and muscles so I could lose 4-5 kegs but ultimately your calcium score will continue to rise once it is there but could help in not letting pieces break off and cause a stroke or heart attack but the arteries will continue to narrow with calcification over the years or decades.
My daughter is skinny , vegetarian and her cholesterol has been high since she was 14 . Her heart specialist doesn’t want her on statins but does want her to start body identical HRT when she is perimenapausal and stay on for the rest of her life.