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Thank you for your post. I have the same concerns about statins. I’m not sure what I should be doing as I have lupus that puts me in the category that gets calcification. My calcium was 121 , my blood pressure normal , cholesterol and ldl in normal limits . I’m a 67 year old female 175 cm tall and 82 kg and don’t smoke. My daughter is in early 30’s and has always had high cholesterol as she seems to make more. Her cardiologist is happy for her not to go on a statin ( her GP put her on crestor and she was in so much pain all over her body that she had to stop taking it.
I had a DNA blood test for medications that work or have adverse or a reduced or no effect. and none of the statins came up as being effective . I think I will have to rely on diet and exercise and try natural things . I take K2 with Vitamin D . I may have a perfusion test in November. I don’t have any heart pains but a few cramps a couple of years back then nothing. I had the calcium score test done because a nurse told me she did with a zero result.
I have general anxiety and depression and now I wish I never got the test done as there doesn’t seem to be much I can do about it and now I have it hanging over my head knowing that it just keeps increasing anyway. I would have enjoyed life more living in ignorance. Not sure how others feel as perhaps it is a test better for people that smoke , are over weight and have high blood pressure as it could prompt them to alter bad habits.

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Replies to "Thank you for your post. I have the same concerns about statins. I’m not sure what..."

I have taken atorvastatin for several years with zero side effects - other than significantly lowered LDL - 40-45. Vascepa with 45-50 triglycerides.

Poppy - what DNA test and what does it determine? Other than weight as an issue, what are you lipid numbers? Does your daughter also have weight issue? What are her doecific lipid numbers?