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Thank you so much!!! I think I’m going to try the supplement mentioned in this thread, but if it doesn’t work, my next will be Zetia based on your information. One thing zetia doesn’t do is reduce the plaque so you are still at the same (?) risk as it only lowers cholesterol. Do you know anything about this? All information is greatly appreciated!

Zetia had been previously shown to reduce cholesterol by about 15-20 percent, which makes it a better cholesterol-lowering medication than traditional drugs like Zocor. However, Zetia had not been shown to prevent the buildup of fatty plaques on the insides or arteries that commonly lead to heart attacks and strokes.

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Replies to "Thank you so much!!! I think I’m going to try the supplement mentioned in this thread,..."

As the devil's advocate here, I can say that I have been on a number of heart meds since my heart attack and triple bypass in December 2021, as one of the ways to avoid more of that. Avorstatin has had minimal side effects - a bit of nausea when I first started taking it but nothing else. So sometimes the drugs don't have a nasty effect and in fact do something good. Doctors prescribe them because there are randomized control trials that show their relative efficacy, not something one can always say about supplements and naturopathic 'medicines', yoga etc.

You are welcome. I think your plan sounds good. I will report back when I have my next blood draw next month....to see if the Cholestrice has benefitted me.