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Every time I have gone off my Biologics (due to reaction, or a waiting period to start another drug) I eventually have a flare. Sometimes it takes a while longer, making me hope my PsA has gone into remission…but the joint symptoms (or Uveitis) always returns with a vengeance. Right now I’m taking Orencia infusions. After about 18 months, I have had continual flares…so the Orencia no longer seems to be working (I have to take Predinsone or have joint injections of Cortisone). I am not going for my next infusion, and will try something new in the next few months. (I have already been on a number of biologics, so the list is getting smaller.)

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@gdcm @tarmansbks Im sorry you're having such difficulty with meds. That is my issue too and why I really don't want to try other meds! So I was printing out some notes to take with me to rheumatologist tomorrow and what do I note.....the lupus Plaquenil and the leukemia Zanubrutinib have 99% of the same exact long list of side effects 😳😳😳😳. I was on BOTH of them at the same time and went off them just weeks apart!! So. Which one was the cause of my major issues? Personally I think I am having issues with oxygen due to low RBC and possibly anemia. My primary is very concerned but without knowledge of lupus and leukemia his hands are basically tied. But he does take the tests!! I wish there was a magic pill we could all take which would make us better again. I'm tired of starting and stopping meds which are not even helping me. And Farman, I understand how difficult it is getting off meds you've been in a long time. I am currently tapering off and anti anxiety Med I've been on for 12 years. I feel you, and understand about restarting something that took so much out of you to stop it. I'm sorry. I just had dexa scan. Osteopenia. I'm glad. I've hovered between osteopenia and osteoporosis over the years. I didn't think my numbers were that bad. I'll take osteopenia lol. But fatigue. I can't handle the fatigue. It came on suddenly and turned my life upside down. I'm sure it has to do with the RBC. But docs ignore me when i mention it. What is your fatigue from, tarman?