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Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Neuropathy | Last Active: 4 days ago | Replies (2916)

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Thank you, Colleen Young, for the links to articles about some of the substances members mentioned. Some things sound too good to be true, and prove to be so.
While we're at it, I call 'shenanigans' on the 'essential oils'. I wonder what Mayo Clinic has to say about them. If members are wasting money on perfumed hype - that is sad ! If the oils really are 'essential' then I want to buy some too ! Peggy

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Replies to "Thank you, Colleen Young, for the links to articles about some of the substances members mentioned...."

@pfbacon When considering complementary or alternative treatments, be open-minded yet skeptical and do your research. Learn about the potential benefits and risks. Here is an article from Mayo Clinic that might interest you about evaluating claims made by the producers and/or sellers of supplements, natural products and other alternative medicines. http://mayocl.in/2tGC0Jp

For neuropathy, Mayo Clinic's treatment goals are to manage the condition causing neuropathy and to relieve symptoms. See more here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20352067