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Currently even the pain meds are effective. How long ago did you have your surgery? My colon was removed about 15 years ago and the rectum was removed about 5 years ago.

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I let the AI improperly finish my sentence without proofreading it carefully. What I meant to say was that the pain meds are INeffective.

I’m no longer a surgical candidate. I’m not absorbing nutrients either. Doctors just dismissed me to the point of severe malnutrition/malabsorption after the text book procedures didn’t work.
I did go today to the GI and am being treated for SIBO and had some labs done. For me now it’s about trying to enjoy the time I have. It’s truly hard not being able to drive to see my grandchildren because of pain (car rides and vibration) only amplify pain), eating causes rectal spasms, it’s so much! I have to find joy in just being alive, no close family here and all have their own lives. I’m so happy your pain resolved. Truly I am so happy for all that this surgery truly saved their lives. It ruined mine. I need a miracle to even see past this.
Thank you for responding.
I truly appreciate it. Makes me feel not so alone.

I have only recovered from having my full rectum and anus removed and had a hernia removed from my ileostomy 16 wks ago. Very painful after for 3 wks.But worth it now as I was experiencing the same problem as you before surgery lot's of rectum pressure pain after having my large intestine removed 2 year's ago.