Vulvar melanoma: What treatments did you have?
I've been diagnosed with vulvar melanoma and had surgery for removal. It's not in lymph nodes and they got it all but the 2nd pathology report said there was a stringer. My oncologist recommends
immunotherapy. Is this a normal process.
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I didn't have to have radiation. God blessed me in that we discovered it early enough and cut it out. Am getting immunotherapy to made sure they got it all. I hope you do well with the rest of your treatment. May God be with you.
Had surgery in Feb. to remove melanoma, they thought they got it all but possibly saw a stringer so I was started on ketruda in March. In July I noticed some lumps. Finally in Aug. I got another ct pet scan which showed the cancer is in the lumps I felt and also spread. They told me stage 4 and we will be starting an aggressive chemo. treatment soon and that I will be on some kind of treatment for the rest of my life. I guess my question is ,is this treatable to the point of having a longer life? Is it something that can be manageable? At least they didn't say hopeless yet,so I'll fight as long as I can.
I'm also tagging @besissy to join this discussion.
@canadaigua, that must've been shocking news to hear that the cancer is stage 4 now and that you may be on treatment for life. Luckily today, many people live long and well with stage 4 cancers. What cancer regimen will you be starting? Will you also have Keytruda immunotherapy?
They have me on chemo carboplatin and paclitaxel. My doctor wanted bevacizumab but the insurance denied it so yes I am still on ketruda for now. Yes it was quite a shock, I understand melanoma is the worst cancer type but I was hoping for better news. I hope this regimen will work to keep it from getting worse and shrink what I have. Thank you for responding. I'm told my doctor is the best in the area, so I pray that this works.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I had a partial radical vulvectomy on October 25 and am scheduled to have 30 treatments over 6 weeks. I will certainly try your suggestions. How did the rest of your treatments go? I hope you are doing well now.
What immunotherapy are you using?
What kind of treatments? Chemotherapy and radiation?
I was on ketruda , turns out it didn't work. The cancer has spread and they are trying other treatments. Make sure to get reg pet scans and checks.
I hope everything goes well with you. Looks like this was in September? Mom is 91 and just diagnosed with Vulvar Melanoma, which Included a tumor high up on the vagina wall. Getting a pet scan on July 1. She thinking about no treatment. Can you tell me how it’s gone for you and how old you are. Thanks.