Itchy scalp due to neuropathy

Posted by igl @igl, Jul 8, 2023

Does anyone else have a problem with itchy scalp due to neuropathy? I've been through the Dermatologist route, tried natural and medicated prescribed shampoos and lotions, had pruitis tests - not excema, psoriasis, etc., and antihistamines. Last Dermatologist finally asked if I had neck issues. Yes! I fell and hit the back of my head hard and I sit at a computer all day. Said that was the cause. Next stop, Ortho Dr. said neck stenosis, disk degeneration - do P.T. Going to give that another try. Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I tell them I have scalp itch due to neuropathy. Should I see a neurologist? Won't they just prescribe P.T.? Anybody else?

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I have recently been going crazy scratching my scalp because It’s unbearable itchy. I started washing my hair with different shampoos and it hasn’t helped. Then I read it might be because of my chemo. My neuropathy in my finger tips and feet is getting worse. Help?


I don’t have a neuropathy diagnosis for neck / head pain although I believe nerves are involved. I have an itchy scalp as well. I have used pure aloe on my scalp and it helps. You can get pure aloe in a gel online and it’s not costly.


Yes I tried some aloe gel for sunburn and it did help


Yes, I believe I have scalp neuropathy - since COVID 19. I have seen 3 dermatologists, 2 neurologists and 1 immunologists, as well as my PCP. I am EXHAUSTED and STILL itching, as well as losing massive amounts of hair. Neurologist: Ordered an MRI - I have degenerative disc disease and some arthritis - he suggested a neurologist specializing in the neck. Neurologist number 2 suggested P.T and or Acupuncture. Derm group number 1 was a TOTAL waste of time for 18 months, with all kinds of expensive scalp treatments for alopecia which did zero - the topical meds all made the itching worse, including minoxidil. I kept telling them I an itching and my scalp burns and it feels like bugs are crawling - they continued to treat as a cosmetic issue, which BTW most insurance doesn’t cover. Derm 2 - clobatisol steroid topical solution, which helped somewhat for about 10 days and then it was all back . BTW - early on I used all the medicated shampoos and even a prescription - NONE worked, as a matter of fact it made the scalp sensitivity worse. Derm 2 ordered a compounded product with lidocaine and YES that definitely helped. Immunologist ran blood work - nothing to out of range except my Thyroid, however a few months before it was ok ( I have since had new blood work and thyroid is back in check). Immunologist sited some people are pre disposed to over active T cells from COVID 19 and associated vaccines. Immunologist advised no more vaccines for a few years - I had 6 within a two year period ( 4 COVID + 2 Shangrix ). I also have some neuropathic itching on my left arm from time to time as well - all started after COVID 19 1st vaccine. I found Dr. Donovan a hair specialist in Canada - his web site is a treasure trove of information about the scalp. BTW you can submit your situation to his weekly blog and he will answer you best he can. You can also make an appointment as well. As I continued research on his site, the NIH and others I read about success with long term off label use of doxycycline - presented to Derm 2 and she agreed. I have been on doxycycline for 3 months, along with weekly acupuncture , things were ever so slightly starting to improve with the itching and crawling. I was able to get into a hair specialist Derm in my local - there is only ONE DERM 3. Derm 3 liked what DERM 2’s course of action was and added Spironolactone 50 mg to the regiment. I am now 6 weeks into Spironolactone and am starting to feel SIGNIFICANT improvement , not only minimal itching, but less hair shedding. The hair shedding was massive , however given I had a lot of hair and (have no family history of hair loss). I am still experiencing mild itching from time to time daily, but it is less.


I don’t have a neuropathy diagnosis for neck / head pain although I believe nerves are involved. I have an itchy scalp as well. I have used pure aloe on my scalp and it helps. You can get pure aloe in a gel online and it’s not costly.

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Oh, topical liquid Capsacin helped as well, but I needed to use it all day long. Definitely worth purchasing - Amazon.


Interesting. I have itchy scalp and I've also gone through the various types of remedies and finally gave up and decided it must be part of my general allergies. I never considered PN. OH well, just another symptom.

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I have scalp itch and itch on my arms, torso and back. I use a product on my head called Scalpicin (hydrocortisone 1%) anti itch liquid. Works for me. For the body CeraVe Itch Relief cream and/or CerVe Diabetics’ Dry Skin Relief. Both great. Can get all products at Walgreens, drug stores or online. I have type 2 diabetes and neuropathy and itch from both. I also manage my diabetes thru diet. I am very sensitive to drugs


I also have scalp itch (have tried all kinds of different shampoos, to no avail) and itching on my lower thumbs, below the joints. Sometimes I also get itching in weird spots on my feet - for no reason.

I didn't even think about it being related to the peripheral neuropathy. Thanks so much for this conversation - it helps to know the possible cause.


I have dry scalp due to peripheral neuropathy from the Covid vaccine. I rub Bumble and Bumble's Hairdresser's Invisible Oil into my hair and scalp and leave it for at least 10 minutes before shampooing. It helps me a lot.


Oh, topical liquid Capsacin helped as well, but I needed to use it all day long. Definitely worth purchasing - Amazon.

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I used after sun aloe Vera gel. Massage into scalp and it dries and you don’t need to shampoo out.


I also have a problem with scalp it off and on. Like for you, various shampoos to not help. It funny that you mention neck issues. I have fusion in my neck 18 years ago and now have a impinged nerve in my neck that causes neck pain of and on and moves into to my shoulder. Can't exactly remember if the pinched nerve and itch started abut the same time. Scheduled for steroid/cortisone injection into my neck and see how it impacts the itch. Will post the results.
Good luck to all of us.

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