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The Patient Portal—Help or Hindrance?

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Feb 17 12:10am | Replies (227)

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These new strains of Covid and the vaccines are a delima. I spoke with our pharmasist this morning and he told us that the new vaccine can cause problem with the heart and can provoke any cancer that may be in your system. We have decided NOT to do this...our choice as it is yours. Please talk to people and get as many opinions as you can before you decide. This is a Physer (sp?) product and is VERY new.

He also said that if you do get Covid it is normally and likely to be mild...again, to each our own decisions. Good Luck all.

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Replies to "These new strains of Covid and the vaccines are a delima. I spoke with our pharmasist..."

Did your pharmacist tell you where he got this information?

The new vaccine is the "next generation" of several previous versions, similar to the way the flu shot changes each year to cover newer strains of the virus. There are no statistics available yet about it because it is just being distributed.

Please read this from the Sloane-Kettering Institute:

As for heart risks, there are a VERY small number who develop myocarditis after a Covid vaccine - about 4 events per million injections (primarily in males age 17-30.) By comparison risk of heart problems after being hospitalized for Covid is 6 per 100 cases.

The older you are, the more likely Covid is to be severe enough to send you to the hospital because your immune system is not as strong as a younger person. If you have any or all of the common issues of the older body - high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, lung conditions, you are at even higher risk of getting a severe infection if you get Covid.

It makes me sad to see medical professionals we trust spreading information that is inaccurate or misleading.

Please consider consulting your physician about getting vaccines. They can make the best recommendations based on your health.

I have had 5 shots. My doctor told me another shot is unnecessary and that I will be fine if I get COVID. I am not aware of the cancer risk, though. and will check this. I only got the Pfizer vaccines.

