← Return to 48 years old with stage 1 ILC - Tamoxifen Advice


48 years old with stage 1 ILC - Tamoxifen Advice

Breast Cancer | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (19)

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Hi! Here's some background on me:
At diagnosis in March 2022:
IDC rt breast. Stage 1 Grade A. high-grade, composite score 9/9; 11 mm tumor; clear margins.
ER +2-3 in 95% of the cells, PR positive possibly 95% of the cells with high Ki 67 of 35% and HER2 - Oncotype:18 Brca gene Neg.
Also Birth mom dx DCIS age 58 (she took tamoxifen x5 yrs. It returned 12 years later, both breasts, she had DMX this year)
I had Lumpectomy with 2 Sentinel nodes dissection April 23
4 weeks radiation.
Age at dx: 52, peri-menopausal. Started tamoxifen 20 mg. I did horribly. Severe pain, fatigue, night sweats, hot flushes several times a day, "brain fog" (felt like I had dementia), terrible depression, no appetite, taste, headaches, insomnia. Tried 3 months. Re-tested hormones & was suddenly post-menopausal.
Then my Oncologist put me on letrozole - aromatase inhibitors. Thought it was going well for first couple weeks, then increased dose. I actually think I did worse on letrozole. Tried that for 3 months, miserably, then took a small break. Then tried every 3 days. Did that for 2 more months before I just couldn't do it any longer. After a month off, my Onc & I discussed benefit again. Went back on tamoxifen - THIS time only 10 mg every other day.
(NOTE: This time I was able to stay on my SSRI citalopram. I'm also on a clonidine patch for hot flash & night sweats - which controls somewhat. I'm also on transdermal estradiol (vaginal) - it's not systemic & it's safe. Helps my bladder urges, leaking & frequency & waking up all through the night!)
After only a couple weeks on tamoxifen, the severe brain fog & fatigue returned then the joint & muscle pain. Also awful dry eyes like "deflated" eyeballs, red, blurry, tearing and making the skin burn & peel underneath eyelids. I can't take it daily like she (Onc) wants me to. Research** says you can take 10 mg every other day & it's effective. It only comes in a 10 or 20 mg, but you can cut pill in half carefully. I started trying 5mg/day & I think it's a little better. It stays in your system a long time.
**I was unable to share link to research paper, but you can go to breastcancer "dot" org/ research-news/low-dose-tamoxifen-after-non-invasive-dx -Try that.
I meet with my Onc next week after a breast MRI on Friday. Will discuss ANY further adjuvant treatment at that time. I've tried for one year! I've been freaking miserable! My quality of life means a lot to me. I no longer feel like myself at all. I am (was) a "young" 50 something. My libido is all but gone, I basically feel "low-grade" ill all the time, scared to drive, can't walk.
Hopefully something here was helpful.
It's so good to hear others experiencing similar issues where we can discuss them.

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Replies to "Hi! Here's some background on me: At diagnosis in March 2022: IDC rt breast. Stage 1..."

So sorry to hear about your experience. Have you searched “Food to take and avoid while on tamoxifen “? I wonder whether it’s certain food you have makes the side effects more severe? Also, have you tried take tamoxifen at night? I take it at 9pm and I go to bed at 10pm. So other than occasional mild hot flashes, I didn’t notice fatigue or brain fog. My Integrative doctor also strongly recommends me take two spoons flax for “at least 10 years”. Research paper show flax is very effective for women on estrogen breast cancer.