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@collegeprof Too bad I can't get the Cystatin C eGFR test done. They don't concern themselves too much with either value at this point, seeing that I am on daily dialysis. Each month my cancer center gives me my eGFR value within the battery of tests they get from me. I'm down to 13% now.

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Replies to "@collegeprof Too bad I can't get the Cystatin C eGFR test done. They don't concern themselves..."


I have low muscle mass, and on my last visit to my nephrologist, she tells me that muscle mass creatinine can be improved with physical therapy or a weekly regimen at a fitness center. Just thinking aloud, perhaps with improvement of muscle mass and its eGFR might also improve Cystatin C eGFR. Cystatin C is expensive because it looks at all your cells rather than a confined area like muscle mass. Even on dialysis, perhaps with muscle mass improvement can lend itself to getting off dialysis or perhaps minimizing your time on dialysis.

Lastly, I saw on 60 Minutes or somewhere where a gentleman remained in a coma and life support with no chance of recovery. Docs were able to transplant his kidney from that of a pig to him, and so far, this has been successful, So there is some hope of future trials and research in the areas of cancer treatment and CKD.