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Hi, new to the group and started Letrozole about 2 weeks ago. I’m curious @nana3131 about your side effects, if any, since you started last March? I was initially on Anastrozole but developed a rash so was switched to Letrozole. I also experienced low mood while on Anastrozole and was not very nice to my husband — he certainly didn’t deserve that! So far so good on Letrozole, for the most part. My mood is good, no aches or pains, and the only side effects I’ve noticed so far are some mild hot flashes/running hot at night, and I have difficulty falling asleep which has never been an issue for me. (Prior to these meds, I’d wake in the night and not be able to get back to sleep.) I’m going to try switching to taking my pill at bedtime to see if that makes a difference. If anyone else has experience with this same issue (inability to fall asleep), would love to hear how you’ve dealt successfully with it!

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Replies to "Hi, new to the group and started Letrozole about 2 weeks ago. I’m curious @nana3131 about..."

Hi @alibee, I’m tagging @nana3131 again to ensure she sees your question to her about Letrozole and her experience with side effects.

Ali, does Letrozole continue to be a better aromatase inhibitor for you? How are you doing?

I started to take magnesium glycinate and it has helped me to sleep better