Do OTC joint supplements work to reduce pain from inflamation?

Posted by misscjv @misscjv, Sep 9, 2023

I over stressed both hip joints going up and down a ladder about 25 times, to replace my dead ice-maker. The next day I had severe pain in both hips joints. I've now had a cortisone shot in each hip joint with little relief. The only thing that really helped is a wheel chair, which was really inconvenient as I live alone and have a small house, large yard and two dogs to care for. I almost always refuse to get physical therapy as I don't believe that making my joints hurt worse is going to help. I am considering using an otc joint supplement but can't afford to spend a bunch of $ on something that may or may not help. Any suggestions as to what may (or may not!) help would be greatly appreciated. My effort to save a hundred dollar service charge to have someone install the ice-maker for me has resulted in hundreds of dollars of medical bills. Thank you for any advice you can gife me!

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Curious if anyone has tried and has had success with
- Glucosamine Chondroitin
- MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane) ?

Have a lot of pain and stiffness - want others' opinions. Both are supposedly good for connective tissues.


So it’s both joints. You won’t do PT. Steroids only work for a while plus can do more damage. Is there something else going on? Talk to pain Mgt? Recent MRI? Nuero? Ortho?

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Is "Garygirl" actually from Gary, Indiana??
(So am I.)
Good considerations= pain management & physical therapist.


I suggest a walker instead of a wheelchair. You will at least be getting some exercise.
I'm 93 and have had good success with physiotherapy.
Ask s friend, or doctor, or Google to find the best physio available.
It's normal to feel some discomfort the day after your treatment. You should be feeling much better the following days.


I would seriously suggest some PT...I always felt the same as you and thought it was just plain stupid. Then I had a total knee replacement and found that PT was invaluable. Did it hurt, yes, however it strengthened things and got me back to where I needed to be. As for a joint supplement I have tried them. I have not had much luck with them. What worked best for me was Voltaren Gel that you run into the area but it's really better for muscle but some say it help with joint. I agree with the above about a walker because not walking at all will weaken all the muscles an areas around it and it will be harder to get mobile so try and get walking in somehow each day.


Look up bursitis. You may have pain due to irritating the bursa in your hips. I experience this when I over do walking. An anti inflammation diet may help and taking collagen, omega 3, Acetyl L Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid supplements work well for me. See site for exercises to help with hip bursitis. It may be uncomfortable at first to do them but strengthening the muscles around the hip joint will help. I need to work on this, too.


Curious if anyone has tried and has had success with
- Glucosamine Chondroitin
- MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane) ?

Have a lot of pain and stiffness - want others' opinions. Both are supposedly good for connective tissues.

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There are mixed studies on Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM. I take both but not sure if they help. Omega 3, Vitamin D and collagen protein (add to coffee or protein drinks) plus alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine seem to help me. I do use lidocaine pain patches with pain flares and they help (Salonpas).


There are mixed studies on Glucosamine Chondroitin and MSM. I take both but not sure if they help. Omega 3, Vitamin D and collagen protein (add to coffee or protein drinks) plus alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl l carnitine seem to help me. I do use lidocaine pain patches with pain flares and they help (Salonpas).

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Is "Garygirl" actually from Gary, Indiana??
(So am I.)
Good considerations= pain management & physical therapist.

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Yep! Andrean High. Holy Trinity grade school.

Where are you from in Gary? Always good to meet “homies”. Lol.


Is "Garygirl" actually from Gary, Indiana??
(So am I.)
Good considerations= pain management & physical therapist.

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Have pain Mgt recommend the pt not your regular doc. They know the good ones and work with them. At least it did for me. Too many steroids can lead to adrenal fatigue. Going through it now. Playing games with endo. Ugh.


Yep! Andrean High. Holy Trinity grade school.

Where are you from in Gary? Always good to meet “homies”. Lol.

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I went to Lew Wallace. They were just building Andrean. I went to St. Mark's grade school and then Lew Wallace. I now live in Kansas & have been emailing
a high school friend about a possible HS reunion in Idpls as Gary seems out
of the question= the Beatles were right= times, they are a changing!

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