Ovarian & fallopian cancer: Life is hard since bowel resection

Posted by mmbinnj @mmbinnj, Aug 29, 2023

High-grade serous ovarian & fallopian cancer Stage 4b

Help needed. I am a 62 yr old, 57 days post debulk (7/3/23), have had 1 of 6 rounds of chemo. Total hysterectomy, removed appendix, spleen, gallbladder. Had diaphragm resection. 2 bowel resections- (RECTUM, LOW ANTERIOR-told 4”, SMALL BOWEL RESECTION WITH SIDE TO SIDE ANASTOMOSIS-told 15.5”).
My life has been so challenging since dx & the initial debulk. I had a delayed dx of c-diff I picked up at the hospital, but was missed (took 6 weeks of me begging “something is wrong). I have undergone 11 days of Vancomyosin, and there is a thought of reoccurrence (may take a course of Dificid). I am trapped near my bathroom because it takes me sometimes a dozen BMs, I have abdominal pain (dull like a permanent horrible stomach ache), and pain when moving bowels (including rectal pain).
My gyn onc surgeon did all my “parts” and he just keeps telling me “this is normal”. How can this pain, periodic fecal incontinence, inability to gain weight, and no semblance of normal bowels be normal 57 days later? Does anyone have ANY advice post bowel resection this long past surgery? I eat small simple mealsI (rice, chicken, non-gassy vegs). I know I am complicated because of the stage of my cancer and the radical debulk surgery, and the fact that I had/have c-diff, and am now in chemo. I’ve also engaged a naturopath Dr. -just nothing is giving me good days. Thank you to anyone who has ideas. ❤️

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In my 60s, and starting first round this week, 21 days off for 6 rounds. I’m scared, low tolerance to drugs of any kind. Lost 30 lbs to another issue , so on the skinny side going into this.
And very private, hate that I’ll loose my hair and the people’s response to it. It’s an issue I have to deal with, it’s not me.
Hoping to find others I might be able to speak to, slow with computer, pecking out each letter
Went to naturopaths, gave me a list to help support my body while going through this. From mushrooms, vitamins, and Mediterranean diet.
Anxiety is rising, have to get a walk in. Maybe journal, and write out the yammering in my head.lolThanx to all.

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I am just starting out as well. Three cycles of carbo/ taxol with carboplatin once every three weeks and taxol weekly then surgery. I am losing my hair as well. I thought i would be one of those that shaved it but after watching a video about shaving, i decided to comb after conditioner applied. I do this every time i wash me hair. It helps with not being so messy and hair everywhere. I am on week 8 and still have just enough hair that i can rock a baseball cap and you can't tell yet. Walking, eating clean, and Eleven 22(sermons by Joby Martin) have helped with my anxiety. At the very beginning, I would feel myself hyperventilating and feeling overwhelmed. I'm 62 and feel the same way about drugs. Actually, I think the premeds before the chemo are harder on me. The benedryl especially makes me feel so yuck. The nausea meds are really not that bad. Goodluck to you and feel free to reach out.


I am just starting out as well. Three cycles of carbo/ taxol with carboplatin once every three weeks and taxol weekly then surgery. I am losing my hair as well. I thought i would be one of those that shaved it but after watching a video about shaving, i decided to comb after conditioner applied. I do this every time i wash me hair. It helps with not being so messy and hair everywhere. I am on week 8 and still have just enough hair that i can rock a baseball cap and you can't tell yet. Walking, eating clean, and Eleven 22(sermons by Joby Martin) have helped with my anxiety. At the very beginning, I would feel myself hyperventilating and feeling overwhelmed. I'm 62 and feel the same way about drugs. Actually, I think the premeds before the chemo are harder on me. The benedryl especially makes me feel so yuck. The nausea meds are really not that bad. Goodluck to you and feel free to reach out.

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@msfarn Welcome to this discussion and to the Gynecological Cancer Support Group. Cancer treatments take such a toll on us physically and also psychologically. Your description of what you are doing sounds like you are taking very good care of yourself and doing everything you can to optimize your recovery. I did not have chemotherapy when I had a recurrence of endometrial cancer. I had external beam pelvic radiation therapy and two treatments of internal (brachytherapy). My radiation oncologist advised me to rest when I needed but to make these rests very short. He said not to lie on the sofa all day. He said that the more I moved around and kept up a normal routine the better I would feel. While I realize our situations and treatments are very different from one another, like you, I did everything I could to support myself. I kept up with exercise, clean eating and spiritual readings. Since I had my treatment before religious institutions re-opened their doors I participated in services through Zoom.

Will you have six cycles in total and how many more weeks of taxol?


Reply to msfarn
Omg, thanx for your reply. I had the surgery first, not so bad at all., and start my first treatment tomorrow, scared of it all! Full of nervous energy, so I’m going to try to walk there or part of the way. They said no driving the first day for sure, Are you driving yourself? I’d prefer to.
Benadryl usually gives me sinus infections, so not a big fan there either.
A friend said just shave it all off before, she plans to when she retires, she’s Asian and looks 15 years younger.
I was just looking into wigs, which I doubt I’ll be wearing, but thought I should check out. Halloween isn’t that far off , so maybe try a goofy blue one. Nah… haha I’ll try it your way, and appreciate any more tips, so thanx for that.
I haven’t told to many friends, but word gets out anyway. It’s the looks, and hugs and not big on talking about it less and I bring it up. I know I’m goofy.
Have an issue that was the focus to start , And that’s when the CT showed ovarian Cancer. Prior issue put Avastin off the cocktail menu for me.
Just checked out Joby Martin, great full for any coping mechanisms.
Tried finding a cancer therapist, found one support group, think they only meet once a month via zoom. Eeek
Stay in touch, it really helped to hear from you and your experience n dealings. Thanx again, keeping you in my payer bubble,
P.s. did something wrong ,hit reply twice, not sure if this will show up right. .. oh well


I am just starting out as well. Three cycles of carbo/ taxol with carboplatin once every three weeks and taxol weekly then surgery. I am losing my hair as well. I thought i would be one of those that shaved it but after watching a video about shaving, i decided to comb after conditioner applied. I do this every time i wash me hair. It helps with not being so messy and hair everywhere. I am on week 8 and still have just enough hair that i can rock a baseball cap and you can't tell yet. Walking, eating clean, and Eleven 22(sermons by Joby Martin) have helped with my anxiety. At the very beginning, I would feel myself hyperventilating and feeling overwhelmed. I'm 62 and feel the same way about drugs. Actually, I think the premeds before the chemo are harder on me. The benedryl especially makes me feel so yuck. The nausea meds are really not that bad. Goodluck to you and feel free to reach out.

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I replied and goofed up, it’s down below Naturegirl15,
Hope you can read it. I can’t tell you how much your response has helped


Reply to msfarn
Omg, thanx for your reply. I had the surgery first, not so bad at all., and start my first treatment tomorrow, scared of it all! Full of nervous energy, so I’m going to try to walk there or part of the way. They said no driving the first day for sure, Are you driving yourself? I’d prefer to.
Benadryl usually gives me sinus infections, so not a big fan there either.
A friend said just shave it all off before, she plans to when she retires, she’s Asian and looks 15 years younger.
I was just looking into wigs, which I doubt I’ll be wearing, but thought I should check out. Halloween isn’t that far off , so maybe try a goofy blue one. Nah… haha I’ll try it your way, and appreciate any more tips, so thanx for that.
I haven’t told to many friends, but word gets out anyway. It’s the looks, and hugs and not big on talking about it less and I bring it up. I know I’m goofy.
Have an issue that was the focus to start , And that’s when the CT showed ovarian Cancer. Prior issue put Avastin off the cocktail menu for me.
Just checked out Joby Martin, great full for any coping mechanisms.
Tried finding a cancer therapist, found one support group, think they only meet once a month via zoom. Eeek
Stay in touch, it really helped to hear from you and your experience n dealings. Thanx again, keeping you in my payer bubble,
P.s. did something wrong ,hit reply twice, not sure if this will show up right. .. oh well

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Did you have HIPEC with your surgery? Chemo really hasn’t been that bad. I’m still walking two miles a day. Just take naps sometimes. I only take one nausea pill on the third night. I think that is when all those premeds wear off. I don’t drive. The benedryl makes me loopy!


Did you have HIPEC with your surgery? Chemo really hasn’t been that bad. I’m still walking two miles a day. Just take naps sometimes. I only take one nausea pill on the third night. I think that is when all those premeds wear off. I don’t drive. The benedryl makes me loopy!

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No HIPEC , I don’t think they thought it was advanced. And not sure if they even believe in it here. I’m glad to hear your still walking, that’s a big vice for me as well.
Checked out the dosage on the Benadryl IV pretreatment, it’s pretty high. My niece said she’d fall asleep in less than 5 to 10 minutes. Hope that happens to me! Lol
How long were the actual IV treatment itself? I’ve heard 4hrs. And 6. Yikes
Hoping to walk there tomorrow, going to bed earlier these days. I’m so happy to hear the treatments weren’t so bad on you.
Stay in touch loopy! 🙂


@msfarn Welcome to this discussion and to the Gynecological Cancer Support Group. Cancer treatments take such a toll on us physically and also psychologically. Your description of what you are doing sounds like you are taking very good care of yourself and doing everything you can to optimize your recovery. I did not have chemotherapy when I had a recurrence of endometrial cancer. I had external beam pelvic radiation therapy and two treatments of internal (brachytherapy). My radiation oncologist advised me to rest when I needed but to make these rests very short. He said not to lie on the sofa all day. He said that the more I moved around and kept up a normal routine the better I would feel. While I realize our situations and treatments are very different from one another, like you, I did everything I could to support myself. I kept up with exercise, clean eating and spiritual readings. Since I had my treatment before religious institutions re-opened their doors I participated in services through Zoom.

Will you have six cycles in total and how many more weeks of taxol?

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I will have two more of taxol then surgery with Hipec then 3 or more cycles of chemo. I have primary peritoneal. That was the plan when I started. First surgeon appt is tomorrow so I will be finding out more of the details. I try to take short naps as well, however the third round of carboplatin/ taxol has drained me a little more.


No HIPEC , I don’t think they thought it was advanced. And not sure if they even believe in it here. I’m glad to hear your still walking, that’s a big vice for me as well.
Checked out the dosage on the Benadryl IV pretreatment, it’s pretty high. My niece said she’d fall asleep in less than 5 to 10 minutes. Hope that happens to me! Lol
How long were the actual IV treatment itself? I’ve heard 4hrs. And 6. Yikes
Hoping to walk there tomorrow, going to bed earlier these days. I’m so happy to hear the treatments weren’t so bad on you.
Stay in touch loopy! 🙂

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First was probably 4 hours because they run it slow to make sure you are not going to have a reaction. They get shorter after the first. Yes, they told us HIPEC not done at all locations. Good luck tomorrow! Let me know if you get loopy!


I’m kind of loopy to start with, not sure if anyone would notice a difference in me. Lol
The worse thing about the surgery was the gas, so make sure you have that covered, and strangely sore shoulders from the gas as well. Pretty common, but really not bad.
What part of the country are you in? And do you really like your drs.?
They told me to hold off on vitamins and supplements, that’s half my morning smooothie, maybe save it for after.
It’s early, not sleeping great lately, probably nerves. Ttyl


I’m kind of loopy to start with, not sure if anyone would notice a difference in me. Lol
The worse thing about the surgery was the gas, so make sure you have that covered, and strangely sore shoulders from the gas as well. Pretty common, but really not bad.
What part of the country are you in? And do you really like your drs.?
They told me to hold off on vitamins and supplements, that’s half my morning smooothie, maybe save it for after.
It’s early, not sleeping great lately, probably nerves. Ttyl

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How did you do jodimj?

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