Total hip replacement - What to expect for recovery

Posted by cak11555 @cak11555, Nov 29, 2018

I am having a total right hip replacement in six weeks. My surgeon leaves me to believe that I will be up and around in a few days, just no kitchen work. The physical therapist who came to evaluate me before hand felt I needed exrended care after surgery. What has been others experience following this kind of surgery? How has recovery gone for you?

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Asking how long did it take for your appetite to come back ? I haven’t had a appetite since surgery.


I had my total hip replacement surgery March 1 of this year. So I'm six months down the road. I did the pt and was doing well, then started having so much pain in hip that I quit pt. I still have horrible pain in the hip. Drs. doing MRI Sept. 11 to see if there's a problem in my back. I wish I could get some relief. Nothing really helps. I'm frustrated.

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I had a total rt hip replacement 9 months ago. I also had to quit PT after trying it for 2 months. Therapist helped with scar tissue but not pain. I already had good range of motion in my hip at 6 weeks postop and prior to PT. I asked for an MRI and it showed I had tendonopathy in 2 different tendons (my orthopedist told me the MRI was fine). I saw a different orthopedist for a second opinion and he said I had a small tear in one tendon. I also have some back issues, but I can tell the difference between lower back pain and hip pain! I am slowly improving and some days are better than others. It has been a very discouraging 9 months. New doc says to give it a full year.


Asking how long did it take for your appetite to come back ? I haven’t had a appetite since surgery.

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Hi there!

Appetite may depend on the meds you’re on post op. Opioids tend to suppress appetite.

Try caffeine. Oddly enough, it seemed to restore mine.

Good luck!


Had right hip replacement 4 months ago. Am still feeling like the right leg is longer than the left. Any one have the same experience?

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Hi there!

My experience was the opposite. My surgical leg was SHORTER than the other (possibly because of deterioration of the joint). Ask your surgeon if a thin lift would give you some relief. (My legs are the same length now.)

Keep on recovering!



Hi all!

3 weeks from 2nd surgery (total hip replacement). Started using my cane instead of the walker last Sunday. Even entertained some friends last night, seems like energy is slowly coming back. Starting PT this week.

I have to remember not to overexert.

Gym in 3 weeks!



Hi all!

3 weeks from 2nd surgery (total hip replacement). Started using my cane instead of the walker last Sunday. Even entertained some friends last night, seems like energy is slowly coming back. Starting PT this week.

I have to remember not to overexert.

Gym in 3 weeks!


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HI Bill - Be careful when heading back to the gym - I would try to pick low use times and stay out of the locker room and steam rooms - you are still at high risk for infection as you heal and your immune system rebounds to normal. And the flu/RSV/etc season is upon us.

This was the advice of my ortho surgeon after my revisions - and he is a huge gym rat and proponent of PT and exercise to get back to normal.



HI Bill - Be careful when heading back to the gym - I would try to pick low use times and stay out of the locker room and steam rooms - you are still at high risk for infection as you heal and your immune system rebounds to normal. And the flu/RSV/etc season is upon us.

This was the advice of my ortho surgeon after my revisions - and he is a huge gym rat and proponent of PT and exercise to get back to normal.


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Thanks Sue. I’m going to use Covid protocol when I return—mask, sanitizer, no locker room, short workouts.

Begs another question: should I get a flu shot?



It's in the incision area, and my lower back. My left side and thigh hurt so bad. I even have pain in my buttocks (embarrassing!). I feel I should be farther along than this in my recovery. I have 4 cats, and it is so hard to clean litter boxes and bend over to feed them. I am totally on my own as my husband passed 6 yrs ago. It has been difficult for sure. I do have a neighbor that helps clean litter boxes when he's available. And a niece that helps with house work when she has time. I am indebted to them both.

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Well has your doctor ruled out an infection?


My Dr. thinks my problems are all back related. No tests have been done on my hip. Well, had the MRI today, so I'll see what happens after I get those results. I'm getting frustrated to the max.


I had a total rt hip replacement 9 months ago. I also had to quit PT after trying it for 2 months. Therapist helped with scar tissue but not pain. I already had good range of motion in my hip at 6 weeks postop and prior to PT. I asked for an MRI and it showed I had tendonopathy in 2 different tendons (my orthopedist told me the MRI was fine). I saw a different orthopedist for a second opinion and he said I had a small tear in one tendon. I also have some back issues, but I can tell the difference between lower back pain and hip pain! I am slowly improving and some days are better than others. It has been a very discouraging 9 months. New doc says to give it a full year.

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OMG, you have really been through it for a long time. I am so sorry. The pain is unbearable in my hip, no pain in my back. But had the MRI today anyway. I will have results in the next couple of days. Like you, I know the difference between back pain and hip pain. And my hip hurts all the time. PT helped a lot in the beginning, but then I had to stop b/c the pain was getting worse. I don't understand that unless some exercise was actually hurting the hip. Who actually ordered your MRI? I like my orthopedic dr., but maybe another opinion would be wise. Seems like we're doing all the work trying to figure out our pain. Keep in touch!

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