Anyone have breast aching, stinging as only symptom of breast cancer?

Posted by joannemm34293 @joannemm30809, Aug 14, 2023

It seems I am a rarity regarding my Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and my only symptom has been my breast aching and stinging. I have had no other symptoms whatsoever and still can not even feel this lump.

I keep reading breast cancer, IDC, is painless YET that’s been my only symptom.

Anyone else only have breast aching or stinging?
I’m STILL waiting on my surgery date which is August 29. I’ve never ever seen soooo much waiting waiting waiting in between abnormal mammogram, then ultrasound, then MRI with contrast, the biopsy, then meet with breast surgeon to FINALLY get scheduled for surgery. Good grief.

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I am almost 16 years out since my mastectomy. 15 years since my tram flap.
I am having breast surges, anywhere from 20-25 an hour. It feels like you are pushing fluid with a plunger through a pinhead. It is so painful.
I am experiencing lymphedema, after 16 years.
In my tram flap we found a new lump! Had an ultrasound it shows nothing.
However it does not explain why it is there.
I am going to ask my primary doctor for a referral to see Dr. Hiri Abidi.
I Have heard wonderful things about her.
I need some answers.

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I had a double mastectomy 20 years ago and was just diagnosed with IDC again in my Trans flap after finding a lump. I have a lumpectomy in 2 weeks. I don't have any answers just sending lots of good wishes.


I had gripping pains prior to being diagnosed as well as again prior to surgery. I had a second surgery due to unclear margins and had similar pains a cod months later. I had an ultrasound of my chest (I have a bilateral) and they didn’t see anything. My dr won’t do a pet scan because he says that they don’t do unnecessary scanning. I have had a second opinion and their stance was the same as far as scans. I would feel better having one. My dr does Signatera tests (liquid biopsy) on me though.

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