Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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You must make the choice, to take the chance, if you ever want anything in your life to change!
(author unknown)


Let them eat cake.
Marie Antoinette


I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.
Georgia O'Keeffe


You may not be able to control all the events that happen around you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
Maya Angelou


When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
Franklin Roosevelt

My personal knot is secure for the time being. In fact, I am now reading an article on how to tie knots. Knots, not nooses.

I had a cousin who took years for me to find, and when I first met him, it was an instant attraction, as he had so many facial features that my father had. He was also a master of tying knots of all different kinds. I had flown up to Victoria to see him, and we were both so delighted to have finally met. He had had a tough life, but like me was a survivor, probably something in our genetic makeup. Afterall, our grandparents had immigrated from England/Scotland and later to Nova Scotia, when my grandmother had to make a very long trek with 8 kids in tow to meet her husband in Vancouver. Anyway, Frank and I shared some very happy times until he committed suicide, hanging himself in the garage with a noose knot, to be found by his wife when she came home. His dog was lying on the floor looking up at him. The dog was never the same. He had rescued the dog from one of those reservations up North, and had "tamed" it. He had a way with animals. When my sisters and I later flew up to Victoria for his funeral, there was a pamphlet of sorts describing the various knots that my cousin could tie. As many of you probably know, the knot is a metaphor for a problem, since it does not show all its meanderings, when dissolving, it tightens more, not every knot can be solved, the many cause effect relations are difficult to understand and different classes of problems require methods with different levels of radicalness.
I am in a knot and will be until I have that darn scan next week.
I suppose my mind is wandering again because it is late and I am working on my art, and a song played that reminded me of my cousin who I sorely miss, still. I am all "in knots" again, but felt it would be okay to share this quote and story.


As sure as ever God puts his children in the furnace, He will be in the furnace with them.

This, I personally know.

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in reply to @dorma I chuckled when I saw your note that you personally know about the furnace. Thank you for making me smile tonight.


When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
Franklin Roosevelt

My personal knot is secure for the time being. In fact, I am now reading an article on how to tie knots. Knots, not nooses.

I had a cousin who took years for me to find, and when I first met him, it was an instant attraction, as he had so many facial features that my father had. He was also a master of tying knots of all different kinds. I had flown up to Victoria to see him, and we were both so delighted to have finally met. He had had a tough life, but like me was a survivor, probably something in our genetic makeup. Afterall, our grandparents had immigrated from England/Scotland and later to Nova Scotia, when my grandmother had to make a very long trek with 8 kids in tow to meet her husband in Vancouver. Anyway, Frank and I shared some very happy times until he committed suicide, hanging himself in the garage with a noose knot, to be found by his wife when she came home. His dog was lying on the floor looking up at him. The dog was never the same. He had rescued the dog from one of those reservations up North, and had "tamed" it. He had a way with animals. When my sisters and I later flew up to Victoria for his funeral, there was a pamphlet of sorts describing the various knots that my cousin could tie. As many of you probably know, the knot is a metaphor for a problem, since it does not show all its meanderings, when dissolving, it tightens more, not every knot can be solved, the many cause effect relations are difficult to understand and different classes of problems require methods with different levels of radicalness.
I am in a knot and will be until I have that darn scan next week.
I suppose my mind is wandering again because it is late and I am working on my art, and a song played that reminded me of my cousin who I sorely miss, still. I am all "in knots" again, but felt it would be okay to share this quote and story.

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Thank you for an interesting view point on the word knot. That had not crossed my mind as I have very few knots in my like and the ones I did have were concured smoothly.


You are limited as you think you are! If you think you can't do anything, then you won't!

Also, I would rather burn out, then rust out!

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You become what you think of most of the favorite saying.


It's not the outcome, it's the effort.

For people with reduced physical capacity, just making an effort is a Success! It doesn't matter if you get the job done perfectly, or correctly, or even if you get it finished at all.

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