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I know it has been quite some time since you had your kidney stones. However, I want to add what I consider to be a great inexpensive solution to ridding yourself of those painful stones.

I had stones in both kidneys, and the one in my right kidney was actually considered large by my urologist. Since the left kidney was most painful, I underwent a successful lithotripsy procedure for those stones first. Since I was I still sedated, the doctor attempted to breakup the larger stone in my other kidney without any success at all. Afterward I was rescheduled a few weeks later to undergo a second lithotripsy shockwave procedure.
My wife did some online research and found that drinking pure coconut water eliminates the stones. She had read there is something found only in coconut water that works to dissolve kidney stones. So I purchased several cases of the Kirkland brand coconut water at COSTCO. The taste is good, and I drank it quite often in place of water. By the time I was to undergo my second procedure a few weeks later, my urologist discovered that the stone was no longer in my kidney.
I now drink coconut water regularly as a preventative measure to help prevent kidney stones from becoming an issue again in my future. It has been over a year now, and so far, I have not had another painful kidney stone.

Not sure if anyone has ever mentioned that coconut water can also be quite helpful with dissolving them.

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Replies to "I know it has been quite some time since you had your kidney stones. However, I..."

Welcome to Connect. Thanks for coming with a gift of knowledge. I have struggled with kidney stones. No one ever mentioned coconut water. I will check at Costco right away.

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.

@wmz Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!

How wonderful that you found something to help you in your kidney stone adventures. I want to caution you and everyone else, that coconut water has a large potassium amount, which is not recommended for those of us with chronic kidney issues. The Vitamin C in this water helps the creatinine levels in our kidneys, which is part of creating the kidney stones. As with any treatment, there is a variety of concerns and precautions to take when understanding what will be most beneficial to our own unique situation!

From WebMD, their take on coconut water: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1261/coconut-water