Have you had digital interphalangeal joint fusion?

Posted by wpchrencik @wpchrencik, Sep 4, 2023

Hello, I have a destroyed left middle finger DIP joint from infection resulting in a moderately painful/non usable mallet type finger at the end of my finger and am contemplating digital interphalangeal joint fusion surgery using a screw to fuse the DIP joint. I am non arthritic and in good general health, so I do not have other arthritic joints to compare this to. If you have had this surgery, how did it go? Would you have it again? Any info is good info. I am 68 and questioning whether to have the surgery or live with it for the rest of my life. Many thanks!

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Hello @wpchrencik. I'd like to invite @fredflorida as they talked about their experience with a DIP surgery here, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/small-surgery-on-finger-still-hurts-after-4-months/?pg=1#comment-725423.

@wpchrencik, is your "mallet type" finger because of your DIP joint injury preventing you from any day-to-day activities or hobbies? Is this why you are considering a surgery?


Hi Justin,

Thank you or your interest in my situation. Yes my finger injury and resulting mallet finger prevents me from using my hand to lift things - a box, a mattress to make a bed, etc. Any pressure I put on the finger pushing it against the joint brings some pain. I am thinking by having the surgery to straighten my finger will give me back some of the ability to normally use my hand. I have confidence in my hand surgeon, but I will be better able to determine if this surgery is right for me by hearing from patients who have had it, thus my question. I am anxious to look at the website you sent. Many thanks. Bill Chrencik

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