Anyone ever had a large, hard lump in breast after Lumpectomy surgery?

Posted by mchler73 @mchler73, Sep 4, 2023

I had Lumpectomy surgery on 8/1/23 and sentinel node biopsy surgery on 8/28/23 and recently I felt a large, hard lump (almost has a rubbery feeling to it) to the right of my lumpectomy scar. It seems to be getting bigger and shifting to the right. Anyone ever had this happen?

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Here’s a link explaining it more thoroughly. Mine isn’t that large, so nothing needs to be done.

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This link refers to fat necrosis after reconstruction, but I developed it after a lumpectomy. You can find lots of information about this on the internet.


This link refers to fat necrosis after reconstruction, but I developed it after a lumpectomy. You can find lots of information about this on the internet.

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Thank you for the information!


Thank you for the information!

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I don’t have any idea of your time zone or schedule, but I am hoping you have a very soon appointment on the calendar.🤞Did you get an appointment to see your surgeon?


I don’t have any idea of your time zone or schedule, but I am hoping you have a very soon appointment on the calendar.🤞Did you get an appointment to see your surgeon?

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Yes, I am scheduled to see my surgeon tomorrow morning and I also see both a medical and a radiation oncologist on Thursday.
Thank you for checking on me ❤️


Thank you for your response!! Hopefully that is what mine is too.
Did your lump hurt at all? And did it feel rubbery like?
Mine is sensitive but doesn’t really hurt. The area almost feels numb. I can literally see it raised up. I am going to call my surgeon in the morning and go from there.

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Yes, it hurt, and the 2nd time it came back it seemed to hurt a little less. It felt a bit rubbery too. It was very visible if I raised my arm it really stuck out ): but it was all harmless. Perhaps yours does not hurt because of nerve damage/trauma from surgery. After the 2nd draining I used a heating pad and I also massaged the back of my arm where there was nerve damage and it pretty much fixed everything.


Yes, it hurt, and the 2nd time it came back it seemed to hurt a little less. It felt a bit rubbery too. It was very visible if I raised my arm it really stuck out ): but it was all harmless. Perhaps yours does not hurt because of nerve damage/trauma from surgery. After the 2nd draining I used a heating pad and I also massaged the back of my arm where there was nerve damage and it pretty much fixed everything.

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So my surgeon thinks it’s a hematoma that is filled with gel-like blood and will start go away on its own in about 3 weeks or so, but they are going to ultrasound it tomorrow morning just to make sure.


So my surgeon thinks it’s a hematoma that is filled with gel-like blood and will start go away on its own in about 3 weeks or so, but they are going to ultrasound it tomorrow morning just to make sure.

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So it is actually a Saroma that is very large and I also have a smaller one near my sentinel node incision. That one hurts pretty bad. I hope they start going away soon!
Anyone ever had one that didn’t go away on its own?

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