Nipple Sparing Mastectomy

Posted by mchler73 @mchler73, Aug 26, 2023

Has anyone ever had a Nipple Sparing Mastectomy?
My doctor mentioned having a Mastectomy, as part of treatment, after having my Sentinel Node Biopsy surgery and I am trying to weigh all of my options if I do end up deciding to have a Mastectomy.
Thank you

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I know we have been posting on another another page, I am 😞 sorry this one got by me with no answer. Did you visit the “mastectomy and reconstruction, pros and cons” discussion? Did you get your questions about this answered?


I know we have been posting on another another page, I am 😞 sorry this one got by me with no answer. Did you visit the “mastectomy and reconstruction, pros and cons” discussion? Did you get your questions about this answered?

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Oh that is ok!
No I will have to check that discussion out.


Oh that is ok!
No I will have to check that discussion out.

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@mchler73, here's a link to the discussion that @auntieoakley is referring to:
- Mastectomy and breast reconstruction pros and cons?

You might also be interested in these videos:
- Videos about Breast Cancer Surgery from Mayo Experts

I'm tagging a few members who also considered nipple sparing or not with their reconstruction like @trixie1313 @nataliehope @ahurlbert30 @sandyjr @angepatri @jamilee414 and may be willing to share their experiences.

@mchler73, have you made your decision?


@mchler73, here's a link to the discussion that @auntieoakley is referring to:
- Mastectomy and breast reconstruction pros and cons?

You might also be interested in these videos:
- Videos about Breast Cancer Surgery from Mayo Experts

I'm tagging a few members who also considered nipple sparing or not with their reconstruction like @trixie1313 @nataliehope @ahurlbert30 @sandyjr @angepatri @jamilee414 and may be willing to share their experiences.

@mchler73, have you made your decision?

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Thank you for all of the great information.
I have not made a decision yet. I meet with both a medical and radiation oncologist on Thursday to discuss a treatment plan. I guess I will see what they say and go from there.
Thanks again!


Hello there- I had a double mastectomy at Mayo Clinic Phoenix on June 20, so just a few months ago. I was able to have a “direct to implant, nipple sparing” reconstruction surgery at same time as mastectomy, and I couldn't be more pleased with my results and recovery! Looks basically exactly the same as before surgery! Good luck with your decision, and please feel free to reach out with any questions😊


Hello there- I had a double mastectomy at Mayo Clinic Phoenix on June 20, so just a few months ago. I was able to have a “direct to implant, nipple sparing” reconstruction surgery at same time as mastectomy, and I couldn't be more pleased with my results and recovery! Looks basically exactly the same as before surgery! Good luck with your decision, and please feel free to reach out with any questions😊

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Wow, that is amazing! Im so happy for you!
I’m still hoping I won’t have to do that, but if so, I was really curious about it. I read it is sort of a newer thing, to do the nipple sparing procedure, but that makes me hopeful!
Thank you!!


Wow, that is amazing! Im so happy for you!
I’m still hoping I won’t have to do that, but if so, I was really curious about it. I read it is sort of a newer thing, to do the nipple sparing procedure, but that makes me hopeful!
Thank you!!

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You’re very welcome! 😊🫶


My question was about a procedure called nipple sharing, not nipple sparing. This procedure can be done after an SMX. They take part of the nipple on the unaffected side, then transfer it to the side where reconstruction is done. Once it heals they tattoo an areola. I like the idea of having an actual nipple on my breast cancer side, but I am having a hard time finding anyone else who has done it. Just wanted to see if people were satisfied. All of that to say, I don’t think putting my question in a forum on nipple sparing will be helpful. Thanks, anyway


My question was about a procedure called nipple sharing, not nipple sparing. This procedure can be done after an SMX. They take part of the nipple on the unaffected side, then transfer it to the side where reconstruction is done. Once it heals they tattoo an areola. I like the idea of having an actual nipple on my breast cancer side, but I am having a hard time finding anyone else who has done it. Just wanted to see if people were satisfied. All of that to say, I don’t think putting my question in a forum on nipple sparing will be helpful. Thanks, anyway

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My apologies, @jknows. I will undo the merge and have your discussion as a standalone. I mistakenly thought "sharing" was a typo for "sparing". This will take a few hours to re-set to it's own discussion again.


Yes I had nipple sparing mastectomy last April. After my biopsy results came back though, I had to go back in to have my right nipple removed because cancer was in the bed margin on that 1 nipple. Last Nov I had nipple reconstruction for that side. I dont like how the reconstruction came out though. If I had a do over I would have still done the nipple sparing because keeping my own nipples wouldn't have made this process as bad. Good luck!

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