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To start or not to start the antibiotics?

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Sep 10, 2023 | Replies (59)

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You have my sympathy, Mycoplasm avium colonization on top of bronchiecstasis and other old-age insults is the pits. I am 84, stopped smoking 40 years ago, and now cough up little green blobs like clockwork. Hypersensitive to most medications, and glaucoma restricts options anyway. I have a great pulmonologist and rheumatologist. Both cautioned that the cure in my case would be worse than the disease. So at their prodding: I'm in the pool daily, 30-60 minutes of gentle exercise to encourage productive coughs. i think happy thoughts in spite of the awfulness. Drink water and then more water. Use common sense when exposed to dense crowds and small snuffly children (medically categorized as germ cauldrons for people like me). A few small meals during the day and no eating after 6:00 pm because an overtaxed gut makes MAC worse. LOTS of fresh fruit of the best antioxidative kind, immunologically speaking. Not much dairy, which makes my mucus thick and gakky, as does key lime pie, which I make excuses for. Two heat-wicking pillows at night to keep my sinuses elevated, sleep mostly on my left side with an arm draped over a third pillow to help drainage.
On my own I've been boosting my immune system for a couple of years with NMN, 125mg for each 50 pounds of body weight. My biochemist daughter researched this natural supplement and recommended the MAAC 10 brand for me. It repairs DNA, among other things. It may not be for everyone. I am pretty sure it helped saved my life when I was hospitalized with severe pneumonia and my newly ensconced mycoplasma cells. Oh. Spirometer for sure, 10 exhalations daily. I'm at 2250 ml. Status after following informed advice: Holding steady for the time being. From coughing up 2/3 cup of gunk daily in the hospital to no more than 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon at night.

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Replies to "You have my sympathy, Mycoplasm avium colonization on top of bronchiecstasis and other old-age insults is..."

Wow, you sure are dealing with a lot. I never knew an overtaxed gut makes MAC worse. I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse) so I can’t overeat because it triggers the MVP. Our bodies are quite interesting, aren’t they? I’m glad you have improved since it all started for you. Hopefully you continue to see improvement!