← Return to treatment options for low ejection fraction 35 or under and no symptom

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Thanks, Teresa. I've got blockages for sure and right branch bundle disturbance.

I can see where lack of symptoms might hide angina pain, but nothing explains my ability to walk, climb stairs and do all of life's activities.Well, I take that back.
Noted author and San Diego cardiologist,Dr. Howard Wayne, described the heart's ability to revascularize itself to "bypass" clogged and blocked arteries.
These tiny arterioles are completely invisible to the heart cath imaging , but they can do a lot of work nourishing the heart muscle. I believe he was right.

But then, I get this low LVEJ reading that is so deeply inconsistent with my sense of well-being. And of course, an alert and concerned cardiologist has to
recommend a trip to the cath lab; and I have to keep refusing given my daily health experience and given the common practice of upping the game from
Cath lab to surgical suite.

And so it goes.

Thanks !

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Replies to "Thanks, Teresa. I've got blockages for sure and right branch bundle disturbance. I can see where..."

It all is very puzzling, @pumaguy79. I found the information about "the heart's ability to revascularize itself to "bypass" clogged and blocked arteries" to be very interesting. I'll have to look into that and see what I can learn.

I'm under the impression that you don't want to have the catherization, as it might lead to heart surgery. Is that correct? I understand that if you are feeling good and your activity is not limited it is hard to consider further evaluation.

However, just a thought, but have you considered that the heart catherization might result in stent(s) placement? If that could be done, perhaps more extensive surgery might be avoided.