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<p>My husband has been diagnosed with this condition most likely due to the 5 treatment radiation he received. He has received two CT scans that show the inflammation but no bowel obstruction thankfully<br />Has anyone else experienced this after prostate cancer treatment?<br />If so, was there any suggestions, OTC or prescription medications that were surprised that helped?<br />He can sometimes be in severe pain and the meds he was prescribed - anti-cramping and antacid<br />If anyone else has gone thru this and has any suggestions that would be appreciated</p>

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Replies to "My husband has been diagnosed with this condition most likely due to the 5 treatment radiation..."

Hi @mimilo, it so hard to deal with side effects of treatment that are necessary for fighting cancer. Radiation enteritis is inflammation of the intestines that occurs after radiation therapy. Here''s more information from Mayo Clinic about radiation enteritis:
- Radiation enteritis https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/radiation-enteritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20355409

I'm glad to hear that your husband has no blockage. Have the severe symptoms started to subside?

I am really sorry to hear that your husband is going thru that. I had 5 high beam proton treatments in May and had no issues. I also had SpaceOar gel inserted before my treatments started and had no issues. I really can’t suggest any remedies for him. I also have UC and am ok. I wish you both all the best