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knee replacement

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Jul 20, 2024 | Replies (15)

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@kirtnichols Welcome to Mayo Connect where patients try to help one another through life's challenges.

Swelling after joint surgery is really variable - some have little, for others it can last for weeks or months. The most important things, especially in the first 6-8 weeks, are to elevate the leg (knee above hip level) whenever you are not walking or doing therapy and ICE...Ice...ice. 20 out of 24 hours is not too much at first, but at least 4-6 times per day until you have regained most of your activity.

Also, let me share a little secret. Doctor's often say "Oh you'll be healed in 6 weeks... or 2 months" What they really mean is, "the incision will be fully healed and the implants will be attaching to the bone." Complete recovery - full stabilization, regaining range of motion and full strength - can take from 4 months to a year. AND a lot of that is up to you - only the patient can do the "daily grind" of home PT 2-3 times a day for as long as it takes, even when it hurts, or you're tired, or too busy.

Where are you in your recovery from surgery?

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Replies to "@kirtnichols Welcome to Mayo Connect where patients try to help one another through life's challenges. Swelling..."

At about 1 year out from my knee replacement, I started to develop severe loss of range-of-motion. Previously I had about 115 deg and then about 1 year out, it was about 85 deg. I have continued to exercise and do daily activities, but I am not able to achieve more than 90 deg. My surgeon says it's mainly scar tissue. I am continuing with PT, but he has said that joint manipulation may be my next treatment. Is manipulation > 1 year dangerous or risky? The lack of motion is OK for running, but for cycling it is very frustrating. Or are there any other treatments?