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Prostate cancer treatment options?

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Sep 3, 2023 | Replies (31)

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It is my understanding that surgery and radiation are equally effective, however, if you have radiation and the cancer returns, then surgery is usually not available. Surgery preserves the option of radiation but not the other way around. Hence, I selected robotic RP and I think that I did the right thing. After my surgery my prostate was tested and my doctors upped the Gleason score to aggressive 9 which necessitate a year of ADT and Erleada. Under the circumstances, I though that this was a proper aggressive treatment for an aggressive, life threatening cancer. I tolerated the surgery and the meds well, the meds made me tired and I slept poorly, no desire for sex and had ED, lost lots of body hair and muscle. However, this was a serious cancer and I wanted the best chance to be around as long as possible. I was completely continent in 3 weeks post surgery. If I had to chose again I would make the same choice. Whether you decide radiation or surgery, it is far better than just observation and you should feel better once you decide and start the treatment. Be sure to select a top notch medical facility. Best of luck and best wishes to you .

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Replies to "It is my understanding that surgery and radiation are equally effective, however, if you have radiation..."

Thanks for your response. Could you tell me what kind of surgery you had? It’s greatly appreciated. KJacko

What was your Gleason score before your prostectomy? My dr said it is rare for it to get much higher upon doing the prostectomy biopsy from what it was before doing it. Assuming you do it within three months or so from biopsy.. He said if it’s a 3+4 , possibly 4+3’s but would be rare to go to all4”s or higher. I believe all options are equally effective and it’s really up to the individual to weigh out the after effects for their lifestyle and for the comfort level they feel is “enough” of a treatment for them. I do believe urologists suggest the removal more often because they truly believe in their field and oncologist radiologist suggest all the radiation treatments because they truly believe in their fields as well. So it comes down to the patient to decide what’s best for them. As someone else said, there are no wrong answers.