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Living with inoperable pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic Cancer | Last Active: Sep 12, 2023 | Replies (43)

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Your living situation sounds very much like mine (close to Madison but still managing to be in "farm" country).
Cravings -- opinions seem to be divided as to whether they are "telling" us anything useful, although I could swear that plain old iodized Morton's salt does seem to have satisfied the salt craving even better than the LiteSalt my oncologist wanted me to use for my "Chemo Feet / Venous Insufficiency" post Chemo complication or the Himalayan pink salt I really like.
Pain -- again sounds as if we have more similarities. I do have an incidental gall stone found on my last scan, which in the setting of pancreatic cancer is advised to be watched & ultrasound ablated if, I guess, it becomes unbearable. Either way I'm glad to have a plausible explanation for the occasional stabbing pains under my rib cage on the right side.
And yes, I've done a sing-along Messiah a couple of times, once in the tiny local church in the Chicago suburb where I grew up (my mother was still alive) and again at a Midnight Mass in Madison. Very satisfying. Wish I could still carry a tune!

I like Vivaldi, but find that with so many works of Handel's to explore (he is reputed to have composed more music than the 3 B's combined!) I don't seem to get around to other composers, except when YouTube ponies them up for me!

I've cleared the Social Work hurdle and so am, I think, "good to go" regarding the planned move.

Take care, and best wishes.

Below, I've pasted a photo that represents Joy to me. It's my late still sorely missed "York" [brown standard poodle} running through the tall grass on the track to the "back 40" on our farm[ette], followed enthusiastically by my current snuggle companion "Maggie" [black and white parti-colored standard poodle coming in currently at about 50 lbs, so still too big to come with me to the new facility]. Thankfully I found an old note that indicated York grieved for about 2 months after we lost his original companion (yep, another standard poodle). I'm glad that they are less brittle than their human mom, and I know my husband takes excellent care of them. I'm encouraging him to get a little more touchy-feely and "make much of them" whenever he can. Advice from a wise riding instructor from some time in years past.

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Replies to "Your living situation sounds very much like mine (close to Madison but still managing to be..."

I love the picture of your dogs! I'm always surprised how big standard poodles can be. I bet they enjoyed running around outside. I'm so glad you have a comfort snuggle pup to be with you. It amazes me how they know something is up. I have a cat, Grayce & since I started chemo in October she has been like a burdock, always stuck to me! That's okay she does purr alot & I had read the frequency of a cat's purr is suppose to help heal, wouldn't that be great!
Thanks for the info on Handel. I didn't know he was so fluent in all those languages. I also didn't know he had written so much music. He must of dreamed music & had it in his head all the time. Must be something to be such a prodigy. That's nice you experienced 2 Messiah sing a longs and one with your mom. I'm glad I have the memories because I can't sing like I used to, just don't have the stamina.
My grandma had a sister that lived near Madison in Blue Mound or Blue Earth, something like that. I never was there but I saw pictures. You have beautiful country where you live. It was a big deal for my parents to take us to Madison to visit the World Dairy Expo always in October. I grew up on a dairy farm so that's why we went! The closest cities to me are Sheboygan & Plymouth -World cheese capital!
I'm glad to hear you found a place & cleared the Social Work issues. I found out about Social Workers when my dad needed to go for PT after having a stroke. They sound so helpful but I was so naive at the time, it would be different now! I'm sorry you won't be able to take your dog along. Maggie would sure be a comfort to you.
I had to chuckle when you talked about chemo feet. Today was the worst my feet have felt since I've had the chemo feet sensation. They were very tingly & numb, my feet felt huge! I should try some of the salt you were talking about.
I made some Muddy Buddies/Puppy Chow for my sweet craving. Well, that cured it but I don't want to see my glucose number! This past week I had some extra energy so I made Rhubard Freezer Jam. It has of course rhubarb, strawberry jello & sugar. I put in half the amount of sugar, I don't mind the tart of the rhubarb & it turned out ok. Only made about 5 cups, which was enough. I then deceided to tackle this huge zucchini that I have been looking at for a couple of weeks. I wanted to grate it up & put in the freezer. It didn't take as long as I thought, thank goodness for food processers! I thought I was being so smart but all of this caught up with me and now I'm tired out! Best of intentions.
I remember someone else with pancan had a gallbladder attack in between their chemo and had to have surgery. I sure hope nothing like that happens to you. At least you know what those pains are about.
My daughter will be coming for Labor Day. She wants to fry out, she said she has hot dogs. That's a big no-no processed food but I'll probably have one. We will also fry some chicken & hamburgers. I have a head of cauliflower & I have heard of people slicing the cauliflower into thick "steaks". I will have to think about that!
I hope I downloaded the picture of my comfort kitty, Grayce. She was a kitten on my parents farm 8-9 years ago. My son & daughter were helping unload hay. They told me,"There is this cute gray kitten and no other cats play with her & Grandpa doesn't know who the mom is either". Well I saw her little face and she came home with me. My husband was never a cat person but he sure likes Grayce.
I do like conversing with you and if it helps you in any way I am happy to do this. Again I'm thinking of you and take care. Stay cool!