I have seen 3 neurologist all have suggested I have physical therapy w

Posted by anthonyfesposito @anthonyfesposito, Aug 27, 2023

I have seen 3 neurologist all have suggested I have physical therapy for balance, but this has not relieved my numbness in my feet and toes and burning when I’m asleep. I have tried to to get an appt. With one of Mayo Clinic’s neurologist but have been turned down, at this point I am at a loss of what to do next. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank u.

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I know that feeling, I have Neuropathy for 20 year due Spinal Operation
There is very little which can be done. My last Operation was with Mayo, triple laminectomy to relieve some pain. But instead I have Neuropathy in my other leg.


Thank u for your response. The more I learn about neuropathy the more discouraged I get, my biggest problem is stability the burning of my feet and the numbness in my legs is tolerable, and the more I know about it seem like there’s not much u can do. I can only stay positive I workout, play golf and continue to play baseball. Tell me what’s the alternative.


Thank u for your response. The more I learn about neuropathy the more discouraged I get, my biggest problem is stability the burning of my feet and the numbness in my legs is tolerable, and the more I know about it seem like there’s not much u can do. I can only stay positive I workout, play golf and continue to play baseball. Tell me what’s the alternative.

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That’s the spirit!
Just keep on keeping on!

You are blessed with the strength and talents needed to continue to enjoy your sports. Many of us don’t have that option.

Be blessed Tony Esposito!


The standard answer from most doctors who do not have a clue what is wrong with you is Physical Therapy!


Do you feel like the PT helped you with balance-if it did, I will go immediately!! My primary doctor said she didn't think it would help because it is nerve related-your thoughts???


The standard answer from most doctors who do not have a clue what is wrong with you is Physical Therapy!

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I think I must respectfully disagree. In my experience, the best doctors recognize the value of PT in helping people cope with diseases, conditions or ailments for which there is no cure.

PT helps me keep my strength, balance and flexibility even though I have arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and lung problems. My therapist is able to target problem areas with specific myofascial release, massage or manipulations. He also designs exercises to target a specific weak muscle, or accommodate my lack of hand strength and dexterity.

The proper PT after 5 hip replacement surgeries corrected a problem with my gait, got my foot in the correct position and relieved groin pain by strengthening the proper muscles.



Do you feel like the PT helped you with balance-if it did, I will go immediately!! My primary doctor said she didn't think it would help because it is nerve related-your thoughts???

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I’ve only hav 3 sessions. It’s strange and I don’t know why but some days my balance seems to be ok and other days like today it’s horrible. Im sorry I don’t have better news for u, all I can say it’s very frustrating because l’m a very active person.


I think I must respectfully disagree. In my experience, the best doctors recognize the value of PT in helping people cope with diseases, conditions or ailments for which there is no cure.

PT helps me keep my strength, balance and flexibility even though I have arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and lung problems. My therapist is able to target problem areas with specific myofascial release, massage or manipulations. He also designs exercises to target a specific weak muscle, or accommodate my lack of hand strength and dexterity.

The proper PT after 5 hip replacement surgeries corrected a problem with my gait, got my foot in the correct position and relieved groin pain by strengthening the proper muscles.


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It depends on the circumstance certainly if you have something replacement or knee replacement Physical therapy.
After prostate cancer I found that I could barely walk and they described it as Abnormal Gait. Went to the neurologist and they did a number of tests but found nothing obvious. Spent 4 months 2 appointments a week with zero improvement.
After reading the Mayo forums found people with a similar issue and got a Testosterone test and discovered it was very low. Started TRT and behold 2 days later the problem was gone and I can walk fine again.
So I spent 4 months and thousands of dollars for nothing.
So as I said when the doctor has no idea what is wrong with you their first fallback is you need physical therapy.


Thank u for your response. The more I learn about neuropathy the more discouraged I get, my biggest problem is stability the burning of my feet and the numbness in my legs is tolerable, and the more I know about it seem like there’s not much u can do. I can only stay positive I workout, play golf and continue to play baseball. Tell me what’s the alternative.

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My husband has neuropathy in both feet and he says he has to be aware of wherever he is stepping. We bought a rollator/walker for when we are having to walk on uneven ground, or if it is a long walk, so he can sit and rest. Strength training helps prevent falls--you may not be equally adept with both legs.


Thank u for your response. The more I learn about neuropathy the more discouraged I get, my biggest problem is stability the burning of my feet and the numbness in my legs is tolerable, and the more I know about it seem like there’s not much u can do. I can only stay positive I workout, play golf and continue to play baseball. Tell me what’s the alternative.

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Exercise had made a huge difference for me. No, I can't move the way I used to, the way I want to BUT...with exercise, my nightly cramps have all but disappeared. Acceptance is a big part of this whole disease process. Wishing you the best.

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