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Managing Lifelong Mental Health as a Senior

Mental Health | Last Active: Oct 23, 2023 | Replies (499)

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hello, my life has been filled with drama, tragidy, rape, depression, anxiety and on top of all that I have several serious autoimmune diseases. I think alot of my depression and anxiety became a lot worse after I got ill. I was technically diagnosed by Cleveland Clinic with a handful of autoimmune illnesses.

I used to be an outgoing, happy and the life-of-the-party person. Over the years, I've become isolated because of my illnessnes and the depression and anxiety worsened. Being 62 I've only had a handful of partner my whole life and all were unfaithful and disrespectful partners. I also have OCD and get fixated on something and I'm like a dog with a bone.

I've seen several psychologists and currently see a psychiatrist. Meds don't help. I've been about 10 different meds during my life-time. My mood can change in an instant and sometimes its so unbearable I can barely stand m yself. When something awful happens in my life, when I think or talk about it, I get so emotional that I can't control my emotions. I told my doctor that I have no control over my emotion and he wanted to up my med. Really? My sister is a naturalpath and believe in health pods and says its all in my head. Duh? And that I do have control I just need to listen to health podcasts. Anybody else that have no emotion control?


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Replies to "hello, my life has been filled with drama, tragidy, rape, depression, anxiety and on top of..."

@wieczorkemaria Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It can certainly be a challenge to get through each day when you feel upset, and may not know the exact cause. Having chronic illnesses can be limiting as we try to figure out what we will feel like doing/be able to do at any given time, right? In my experience with autoimmune conditions, it is hard to plan days when I can't be sure I'll feel up to it when the day rolls around!

Being able to journal out my feelings has helped me many times. Seeing the thoughts on paper gives them less impact. Have you tried that? Here is a discussion we have here on journaling: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/journaling-the-write-stuff-for-you/
Figuring out your triggers and what stands in your way to be the healthiest you can be on any given day, can be tricky. Moderate exercise, good rest, healthy eating all have played a part in my many years of attempting to be the best possible, every day.