Toe twitching/fasciculations?!
Hi there, I must say that I am stone-cold terrified after a little over a month of toe twitching. I am a 52 year old female. These are involuntary movements affecting both feet, multiple toes, but especially my big and fourth toes. I have no muscle weakness. Has anyone else had this, or does anyone have any expertise to weigh in? Some more background: I can see twitching on and off in the arches of my feet, and this morning I noticed some twitching in my left inner heel. Until now, the twitching had been worse on the right foot. This started about 4.5 weeks ago with a bad bout of cramping in both feet. Exercise /physical energy has not been affected. I actually had a normal neuro visit about 2 weeks in (in so far as office tests, EEG & EMG). Of course I was encouraged by the unremarkable EMG, but have recently heard that this may have been too early to diagnose A**? Which I am extremely worried about. Then to go further, I had a 3-day migraine-like headache this past weekend. I have always had period migraines, but since I went into immediate menopause (torsed ovary), my migraines have changed to this dull, 1-sided ache that causes nausea and is resistant to my normal Advil. Lastes 2 days. Also, that 1 side gets very stuffed up. The bottom line is that now, in addition to A** I am convinced that the alternative is a brain tumor, after reading that brain tumor headaches present exactly this way! I have gotten these same headaches about one every 3 mos. for the last 1.5 years or so. Of course, as a lifetime migrainer, I didn't think they were so much cause for concern. I even went to the ER one, although the headache subsided when I was admitted and they dx'd me with benign position vertigo. One thing I noticed was that in the last 2 days, (basically during the migraine), the foot twitches died down/went away! However, now that the migraine is gone, my toes/feet have been twitching all morning.
1. Is there anyone else who has entered into the hell of this toe-twitching?
2. Is there a medical professional who might have an opinion about all of this? I am awaiting MRI's of brain/spine. Thank you!
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Hi Kat, thank you. I am on another forum called stuff that works that also gathers data via questions. Many of the people with SFN seem to have mal de debarquement and see recommendations to “the Steady Coach” which you can see samples on you tube. Hopeful this will help with my sons balance. Best of luck to you!
Hello Lubelle,
A second neurologist diagnosed me with Migraine associated vertigo last week. She recommended Vestibular therapy, so I am hoping that helps with the balance issues. I have not heard of mal de debarquement but I will do some research on it. Best of luck to you and your son!
I just made a post. I left out involuntary twitching. It’s in my arms I’ve literally flung my phone out of my hands uncontrollably. I have been diagnosed with a subependymoma
i found this great website that helps to ease my anxiety!
There is a list of neurotoxic medications that can make neuropathy worse, and prilosec is one of them. You can find it on the cmt usa website
How are things? I am just starting my pain discovery journey....sigh...