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I too went through the same regimen of radiation and chemo, and as with the previous post, my tumor is now gone, and as of two days ago, I was diagnosed as being cancer free. My last radiation treatment was in late may, but I still have an occasional coughing spell. Most of the mucous that I had previously been coughing up has now dissipated, but approximately every 2 or 3 days I still get that tickling in my throat and commence a 5 to 20 minute period of coughing. The frequency of these coughing "Spells" has greatly decreased, and hopefully will continue to decrease even more and eventually go away. I use two methods to alleviate them. I initially used "Halls Mentho Lyptus cough drops which helped. I now have learned to control the urge to cough, no matter how much the the tickling sensation, This is a very difficult thing to do, but it can be done. A persons mind can do miraculous things.

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Replies to "I too went through the same regimen of radiation and chemo, and as with the previous..."

Love your results... and love they cannot see any traces of your esophageal tumor... nor any spread. But I assume you're going to be monitored every 3 months to start... scans and blood tests, because statistically, your cancer is not gone... not by a long shot. And it seems that you, like me, did the CROSS protocol of chemo and concurrent radiation. Almost without exception, the next step is the esophagectomy, and then usually, even with clear post-op pathology, a year of immunotherapy will follow. Was this not the recommendation of your oncologist, surgeon, and tumor board? I truly hope you never see your cancer again... but stay on guard... it's still out there, cells floating around trying to take up residence somewhere.

Be well.

Please tell me your trick to stopping the cough!!!! Sometimes if I put my chin on my chest and take short breaths via the nose that seems to help.
Thank you in advance,
Lori L.