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How long were you on this statin? How old are you? What are your lipid numbers?

Did your doctor prescribe an alternative statin with different side effects? This is a normal first step.

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Replies to "How long were you on this statin? How old are you? What are your lipid numbers?..."

I was on 5 mg Rasuvastatin once daily from 6/08/2022 until 3/16/2023. I am 74.
On 6/08/2022 my LDL was 131 and my HDL was 91. On 3/16/2023 my
LDL was 87 and my HDL was 99. On that date I got a high calcium score of 440 but a heart catheterization showed minimal plaque in my coronary arteries. My Rasuvastain was increased to 10mg daily. I was also diagnosed with fibromuscular dysplasia with no significant stenosis anywhere including my brain. My doctor wants to prescribe Lipitor which can also cause dizziness and fainting. I have been offered no alternatives.

I had the same result with statins. Tried different ones, low dose, every other day. I had every side effect in the enclosed pamphlet. I tried over a few months and was going to have to quit working and go on disability just from statins. I read a book about the different LDL particles. The small ones being bad and large fluffy ones being not so bad. My calcium score was 70. My small LDL particle score was 108, large was 22.2. I am told that people often are put on statins because of their Cholesterol numbers and LDL numbers when, in fact, a look at their particles indicates a different picture. I tend to get the side effects of medicines that the 1-10% people and some side effects are life threatening. Do I die from statibs or a heart attack?

Can anyone tell ne something natursl I can use

My weight is good, I walk and do yoga. I just started weight resistance ecercise classes. I eat healthy. I do eat a fair amount of carbs. I take multivitamins and other suppliments.