Anyone have breast aching, stinging as only symptom of breast cancer?

Posted by joannemm34293 @joannemm30809, Aug 14, 2023

It seems I am a rarity regarding my Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and my only symptom has been my breast aching and stinging. I have had no other symptoms whatsoever and still can not even feel this lump.

I keep reading breast cancer, IDC, is painless YET that’s been my only symptom.

Anyone else only have breast aching or stinging?
I’m STILL waiting on my surgery date which is August 29. I’ve never ever seen soooo much waiting waiting waiting in between abnormal mammogram, then ultrasound, then MRI with contrast, the biopsy, then meet with breast surgeon to FINALLY get scheduled for surgery. Good grief.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

You go girl!!! We need to stand together and fight this disease for better outcomes. We are women hear us roar !!!!


I wish the healthcare system would come up with a way to better identify tumors in dense breasts.

These are the Findings for my last breast mammogram.

The breasts are heterogeneously dense, which may obscure small masses. (Oh, that makes me feel great.)

(I had breast cancer almost 4 years ago and my mammogram did not spot a 2 cm tumor.)


Did the doctors ever figure out what your gripping pains are from? I would have thought AFTER your surgery that gripping pain would have stopped but you said it continued after surgery. What was the cause of this pain?

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They did an ultrasound on my chest and didn’t see anything. I had the gripping pain a couple of times in May but haven’t had any more. I had surgery in January and March and they have never done a pet scan on me either. I was stage 1A but had multiple tumors. The dr said that insurance won’t cover a pet scan. I did do the liquid biopsy test that can detect tumor dna in the bloodstream, after surgery. The first one tested positive, 2nd test was negative and I just had another one on Thursday but it takes a couple of weeks for the results.


Wow. Almost exactly my situation. In January my breast started aching in one spot on upper outer part of breast. My doctor nor I could feel a lump. I then got a high definition ultrasound that saw in that exact location a benign cyst so my doctor said most likely a cyst is causing the aching.

Two weeks later, in February, I had my yearly 3D mammogram and it showed nothing wrong, ‘all normal with no cysts, masses or malignancy found’ and return in one year. My doctor said the cyst from two weeks earlier on ultrasound most likely dissolved.
BUT my breast still ached. By May I insisted my Dr order a MRI. The MRI showed a highly suspicious solid mass with irregular borders in EXACT location the ultrasound on Feb 2nd called a benign cyst.

A biopsy proved that so called cyst, and what 3D mammogram totally missed, was a cancerous tumor. Unreal. I HAVE LOST FAITH IN THE ULTRASOUNDS AND MAMMOGRAMS.

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My mamo didn't pick up my cancer. I requested an MRI. The MRI found it.


My mamo didn't pick up my cancer. I requested an MRI. The MRI found it.

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Hi, I had breast cancer 20 years ago, had what was like shooting pain through my breast off n on. It went away after a complete mastectomy. 2 months ago the sharp pain and soreness returned, I was like what the heck, went to Dr. And have more cancer . I thought I would never experience this again.


I had a lot of pain when I had breast cancer. Doctor kept telling me that breast ca is silent and gave me antibiotics. Wrong. Did you have radiation and hormone therapy the first time?


Hi, I had breast cancer 20 years ago, had what was like shooting pain through my breast off n on. It went away after a complete mastectomy. 2 months ago the sharp pain and soreness returned, I was like what the heck, went to Dr. And have more cancer . I thought I would never experience this again.

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This is sad to hear. Where is the cancer this time? Type?
What is the corse of action?


Praying that all goes well with your surgery on Tuesday. You’re a warrior. Who is your surgeon?


This is sad to hear. Where is the cancer this time? Type?
What is the corse of action?

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The cancer is in the same breast as last time.I go to Oncoligist surgeon tomorrow to find out what we are going to do. I'm just anxious to get this over with.


Praying that all goes well with your surgery on Tuesday. You’re a warrior. Who is your surgeon?

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Thank you for your prayers. I'm not scheduled for surgery yet. Just going to oncologist surgeon tomorrow.

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