Z score for age group

Posted by oretsina @oretsina, Oct 29, 2022

Where can I find the Z score for my age group? The z-score tells you where your measurements fall relative to everyone else in your age group. Would be useful info to have for comparison and it have come up.

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Bumping up this thread because I'm curious about this as well. Being in my 30s and diagnosed with osteoporosis just makes me curious to see what is really "normal".


Good question. I would like to know as well as to whatā€™s normal.


I have gotten many DEXA scans and the z-score has always been in my report.


Along with my DEXA scores, I received my Z score. The Z score was better than average for my age. My DEXA scores were much worse (osteoporosis). I understand that all DEXA scores are compared to a 30 year old. I am 80. If my Z score is normal for my age and my DEXA abnormal, I have to assume that my osteoporosis is totally caused naturally by my age. If so, do all women my age take these powerful medicines? Or is there some argument NOT to take them because of normal Z scores?


It is best to determine how much bone you have lost between scans.
According to the World Health Organizaion 70% of women over 80 years of age have osteoporosis. So the normal or above Z score isn't a sufficient guide.
The T score comparison to a 30 year old doesn't compare your bones now to when you were of 30 years. That too is insuffcient for guidance.
There are good arguments about avoiding osteoporosis medicine. One is that some of them are not very powerful. None of these arguments are based on Z scores.
If you knew your osteoporosis were "totally caused naturally by your age," or more potently, if you knew your fractures were caused naturally by your age, could you be happy with them.
Painful, debilitating fractures are the reason some women your age take osteoporosis medications.
I hope you don't take the risk, but hope even more that you never fracture.


Along with my DEXA scores, I received my Z score. The Z score was better than average for my age. My DEXA scores were much worse (osteoporosis). I understand that all DEXA scores are compared to a 30 year old. I am 80. If my Z score is normal for my age and my DEXA abnormal, I have to assume that my osteoporosis is totally caused naturally by my age. If so, do all women my age take these powerful medicines? Or is there some argument NOT to take them because of normal Z scores?

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My situation was this: I'm 30 years old and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis more than a year ago. Even then, my T score and my Z score AS WELL showed that my bones are a mess: T-score in the osteoporosis range, Z score weaker than my age group (as expected).
Next year on my control DEXA ist was even worse.

Tried going the natural route, it didn't work.
So I started with meds recently.

I know my situation is very different than yours, I just try to offer you a different perspective.
And I know meds can have side effects, but I'm also TERRIFIED of fractures šŸ™ So for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks.


My situation was this: I'm 30 years old and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis more than a year ago. Even then, my T score and my Z score AS WELL showed that my bones are a mess: T-score in the osteoporosis range, Z score weaker than my age group (as expected).
Next year on my control DEXA ist was even worse.

Tried going the natural route, it didn't work.
So I started with meds recently.

I know my situation is very different than yours, I just try to offer you a different perspective.
And I know meds can have side effects, but I'm also TERRIFIED of fractures šŸ™ So for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks.

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Hi Sophie,

Thanks for your perspective! Because of our ages, of course our situations are different but our fears are much the same. I also have finally decided to take the meds. I sincerely wish you well and hope you resolve your bones issue satisfactorily and have a wonderful, happy life!


Hi Sophie,

Thanks for your perspective! Because of our ages, of course our situations are different but our fears are much the same. I also have finally decided to take the meds. I sincerely wish you well and hope you resolve your bones issue satisfactorily and have a wonderful, happy life!

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Thank you for your kind words! Yes, I know we all fear the possible side effects but in my opinion, the prevention of fractures should be our highest priority.
I also wish you well and I hope that your situation improves and that your fears diminish šŸ™‚


My opinion is that we need to balance the possibility of a fracture with the possibility of an adverse reaction so severe that it causes us to fall and have a fracture. My balance is already precarious. A fracture to my spine may be nothing compared to a broken neck. Being single and living in a 3-story townhouse with a dog that needs to go outside during the day, I have to consider all of the risks.

My problem is medical providers not fully disclosing the risks and minimizing them by calling them side effects when they are adverse reactions (FDA's term). We need full disclosure to make an informed decision about what is right for us as indivuals.


My situation was this: I'm 30 years old and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis more than a year ago. Even then, my T score and my Z score AS WELL showed that my bones are a mess: T-score in the osteoporosis range, Z score weaker than my age group (as expected).
Next year on my control DEXA ist was even worse.

Tried going the natural route, it didn't work.
So I started with meds recently.

I know my situation is very different than yours, I just try to offer you a different perspective.
And I know meds can have side effects, but I'm also TERRIFIED of fractures šŸ™ So for me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks.

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I already have fractures, and Iā€™m not willing to risk getting more if medication can help prevent it. I had no problematic side effects from Actonel or Fosamax, but they were just keeping my crappy bones from getting worse. Iā€™m willing to try something to improve my bones, and natural remedies arenā€™t going to do that.

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