pain on right side of body only

Posted by cnunes @cnunes, Aug 21, 2023

Anyone out there suffering or ever heard of someone with right side body pain. I have had this problem for the past 5 years and I am unable to find a diagnosis. The pain started on lower right quadrant and it has spread to my right hip and lower back.

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Hi @cnunes, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. These symptoms must be both frustrating and disheartening at times. If you are comfortable sharing, could you explain a bit more about what you mean when you say lower right quadrant? Is the pain pretty focused in your lower back and hip area? Has your provider run any tests to rule things out?


Me too. No help. Two years in.thousands of dollars.doctors don’t seem to see whole picture and don’t communicate. I give up.


May the God of heaven and Earth bless you with healing and health in Jesus name, my name is Norman Chester, I have had pain in my body since February 2021,I had covid and got double pneumonia and pulmonary embolism at the same time, I guess from covid! I have suffered pain in my body since every day, I can't take certain meds now because it adds to the pain, I can't drink coffee anymore since I had covid it causes me pain also, God bless you friend


I have pain only on the left side of my body that started 17 years ago. I have multilevel arthritis of the spine. Doctors all say it can’t be corrected with surgery. I have tried everything out there and nothing worked until the Spinal Cord Stimulator. See my comments elsewhere. It ONLY works by working with their techs and making the SLOW changes recommended. I have a Nevro and it is giving me my a lot of my old life back. Don’t expect 100% pain relief but enough improvement to feel hopeful again.


Hi @cnunes, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. These symptoms must be both frustrating and disheartening at times. If you are comfortable sharing, could you explain a bit more about what you mean when you say lower right quadrant? Is the pain pretty focused in your lower back and hip area? Has your provider run any tests to rule things out?

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Hi Justin,
Thank you for responding to my post. I have had a lot of imaging done for this problem, x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI's, CT scans, gastric empting and even laparoscopy to rule out endometriosis and to remove fibroids in the hopes that it would be a cure for my condition. I have seen multiple specialists, including OBGYN, neurology, physical therapy, pain management and even general surgery. So far, nothing makes it better and I have no diagnosis.
The pain radiates from a spot on my lower right quadrant and I can easily pinpoint it. It gets worse with sitting and I can only sleep when laying on m right side. The pain radiates to my hip and lower back specially when sitting and laying on my left side.
My hope with this website is to find someone with a similar condition and from there try to have a diagnosis.
I saw a general surgeon who dismissed ACNES and spaghelian hernia, but those two things seem to make sense when looking at my symptoms. Gastroenterology dismissed it as a GI problem, but I do suffer from constipation and gas.
I know this is a lot,but someone out there must have a similar condition and might be able to help me with this.
Please let me know if you can think of something that can give me some direction on this.


Hi Justin,
Thank you for responding to my post. I have had a lot of imaging done for this problem, x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI's, CT scans, gastric empting and even laparoscopy to rule out endometriosis and to remove fibroids in the hopes that it would be a cure for my condition. I have seen multiple specialists, including OBGYN, neurology, physical therapy, pain management and even general surgery. So far, nothing makes it better and I have no diagnosis.
The pain radiates from a spot on my lower right quadrant and I can easily pinpoint it. It gets worse with sitting and I can only sleep when laying on m right side. The pain radiates to my hip and lower back specially when sitting and laying on my left side.
My hope with this website is to find someone with a similar condition and from there try to have a diagnosis.
I saw a general surgeon who dismissed ACNES and spaghelian hernia, but those two things seem to make sense when looking at my symptoms. Gastroenterology dismissed it as a GI problem, but I do suffer from constipation and gas.
I know this is a lot,but someone out there must have a similar condition and might be able to help me with this.
Please let me know if you can think of something that can give me some direction on this.

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Sorry you’re going through this.
Don’t know if I can be of any help but I had a c6/7 fusion 9mths ago, pain before surgery was limited to my neck and right arm, since surgery my entire right side is affected including my thoracic back.
I have a constant tight burning shooting sensation, and it is either super sensitive to touch or feels pins and needles numb, both my right hand and right foot change colour and temperature either feeling burning hot or frostbiten cold.
I have lost extension of my right arm and shoulder and have troubles straightening my right leg, my foot feels heavy as though it isn’t connecting to the ground.
I’ve seen 2 different neurosurgeons, a neurologist and 2 pain management specialists, so far the only diagnosis I have received is chronic regional pain syndrome.
Is this something your drs have looked into?


Sorry you’re going through this.
Don’t know if I can be of any help but I had a c6/7 fusion 9mths ago, pain before surgery was limited to my neck and right arm, since surgery my entire right side is affected including my thoracic back.
I have a constant tight burning shooting sensation, and it is either super sensitive to touch or feels pins and needles numb, both my right hand and right foot change colour and temperature either feeling burning hot or frostbiten cold.
I have lost extension of my right arm and shoulder and have troubles straightening my right leg, my foot feels heavy as though it isn’t connecting to the ground.
I’ve seen 2 different neurosurgeons, a neurologist and 2 pain management specialists, so far the only diagnosis I have received is chronic regional pain syndrome.
Is this something your drs have looked into?

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Thank you for responding to my post. I am really sorry about your pain.
I have seen 2 neurologists who both stated that my symptoms don't align with anything neurological.
My husband and I think it could be because it's a very odd think that only affects the right side of my body and is aggrevated with sitting or laying on the left side. I don't have tingling or burning sensations and I guess if you don't present those symptoms it can't be neurological
I think the diagnosis of "chronic regional pain syndrome" is something that even I could give someone, and it doesn't really explain much.
What triggered the beggining of your pain?
I am also trying to become a patient at the mayo clinic, but I think that is going to take some time.
Don't give up on yourself, you will find an answer.


Thank you for responding to my post. I am really sorry about your pain.
I have seen 2 neurologists who both stated that my symptoms don't align with anything neurological.
My husband and I think it could be because it's a very odd think that only affects the right side of my body and is aggrevated with sitting or laying on the left side. I don't have tingling or burning sensations and I guess if you don't present those symptoms it can't be neurological
I think the diagnosis of "chronic regional pain syndrome" is something that even I could give someone, and it doesn't really explain much.
What triggered the beggining of your pain?
I am also trying to become a patient at the mayo clinic, but I think that is going to take some time.
Don't give up on yourself, you will find an answer.

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My pain started from an injury at work, i work in disabilities I had a bigger client being hoisted and overstretched my arm to level out the ceiling sling, felt a popping sensation in the back of my shoulder, next day pain in shoulder ran down right arm into first and middle finger. I was treated for shoulder bursitis for the 4mths, had 2 cortisone injections in shoulder and still pain, all shoulder and bracial plexus mri were normal, this is what led to cervical spine mri, only my shoulder and arm had pain until I had a c7 nerve root epidural injection, that really made pain worse and this is when the neck pain started and when I first lost range of motion.
I find my pain is also positional, aggravated by siting in an upright position or standing.
I can no longer lay on my back or right side as the burning pain and numbness seem to get worse.
I am also hesitant or the CRPS diagnosis as I still have a herniated c5/6 that impinges slightly on the spinal cord at this level but both neurosurgeons are insisting there is still enough room for the nerve root and this would not cause the pain. Neurologist did nerve conduction test and EMG and all results for that came back normal.

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