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I have experienced everything you state. I am depressed YES, but it’s about the lack of help for my illness. And that is it! I still want to do everything I did in the past, but I cannot. I am dizzy, my ears are ringing and my vision is distorted. That makes it impossible to live my normal life.
They push anti-depressants because it’s all they have. I’ve tried many of them because I’m desperate. SSRI and SNRI often have a negative result for tinnitus and hyperacusis, which I have in spades. When I report my ears/hearing have become worse and I have discontinued the drugs, doctors tell me I did not give it time to work.
They usually lose interest in my case at that point. They have no other answers.

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Most people in Medicine do not follow the science of sarscov2. They can’t help the millions of long haulers because they don’t know what sarscov2 does to the body. Sarscov2 is a disease of our “blood”, and it can go places that our immune system can’t. It can attack cells that don’t have ace2 receptors. It can hijack the bacteria in our gut. It is a pernicious virus. It is not a respiratory disease. We have to help ourselves and each other. Don’t give up.