As promised, my successful tapering off Effexor (Venlafaxine)

Posted by sheffieldsmith @sheffieldsmith, May 31, 2020

Below you will find the tapering plan that I used to successfully wean myself off Effexor (Venlafaxine). Feel free to share this with your doctor If you would like. I researched and came up with this plan, which was approved by my doctor, although she thought I could probably have weaned myself off sooner. But the reality is that we all have differing tolerance levels for tapering and weaning off this powerful drug from our bodies. Some people can taper faster, but usually not those who have been on this drug for years (like myself, since October 2002). I tapered off EffexorXR 150mg capsules about 5 years ago down to 75mg, and was on that maintenance dosage for a couple of years until I started weaning off the 75mg a year ago in April 2019. As of October, 2029, I’ve been withdrawal symptom free, but I still have occasional periods of anxiety when triggered. But I realize these waves of anxiety will soon pass, and I cope by deep breathing, taking a walk, having a cup of chamomile tea, etc. Cutting my exposure to watching upsetting news has really helped a lot as well. These days I seek things that bring joy and peace in such a turbulent world. Wishing you all a successful weaning off this powerful drug.

Weaning off Venlafaxine XR 75mg (Effexor-(extended release)capsules:
Weaning plan off plan that worked for BSS:
1. Inform your doctor you are tapering down from 75 mg Venlafaxine and ask them to prescribe 37.50 tabs to help with tapering doses (1/2 dosage down from 75 mg Venlafaxine capsules). The tabs are easier to cut into halves and quarter dosages than counting out beads from the capsules.
2. Begin your taper only after you are on a non-withdrawal symptomatic dosage level. If you were having w/d symptoms at 75 mg, you’ll need to go back to the level at which you were symptomless and stay there for 2-3 weeks before deceasing to a slow taper. NOTE: after successfully tapering from 150mg Venlafaxine down to 75mg for a month, I was unable to tolerate a drop cold turkey from a daily dosage of 75mg down to 37.50mg (50%) without having bothersome withdrawal symptoms of dizziness, brain fog, brain zaps, and nausea. So after researching various tapering plans, I came up with a slower tapering schedule my body could tolerate to finish the tapering from 75mg to 37.50mg, and then on to complete the tapering. Your body may even need slower tapering, so adjust according.
3. Week 1-2: Take 75mg caps MWFSu; take 37.50mg tab on alternate days Tu,Th, Sa. At the end of week 2, if you only have relatively mild to no withdrawal symptoms, proceed to week 3. IMPORTANT: If you have intolerable symptoms, adjust to a slower tapering schedule by adding an additional 1/2 tab on the alternate days (or take a total of one and a half 37.50 tabs on alternate days). You’ll then have to tweak the rest of your tapering schedule. If all goes well, proceed with week 3.
4. Week 3-4: Cut a few 37.50 tabs in half with a pill cutter or exacto knife blade to create quarter pieces. Take 37.50mg tab on MWFSu and take 3/4 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa.
5. Week 5-6: Take 3/4 of a tab MWFSu, and take 1/2 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. If only mild symptoms, proceed to week 5.
6. Week 7-8: Take 1/2 tab on MWFSu; and take 1/4 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. If no symptoms, continue to week 7.
7. Week 9-10: Take 1/4 tab on MWFSu; and take 1/8 tab (cut 1/4 tabs in half) on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. *Notice the quartering of doses into crumbs now...very important to keep small dosage tapering to remain withdrawal symptom free.
8. Week 11-12: Take 1/8 tab crumb on MWFSu; take none on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. *If skipping alternate days produces symptoms, stay on 1/8 tab crumbs for a couple of weeks before alternating skip days for a couple of weeks.
You’ll find that this schedule may have to be tweaked for you by extending the time you stay on a taper...possibly up to 3-4 weeks before beginning a new tapering down. It all depends on how you tolerate the first two weeks.

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sheffieldsmith (@sheffieldsmith)

I know this is for informational purposes only… but I saw ur article how to get off 75mg of Effexor…my question is how do I go from 150mg to 75 mg first? I saw u took 150mg. I’ve tried weaning off 6 times over 20 years and have been unsuccessful but I haven’t tried what ur article suggested at staying at a lower dosage for some years. What is ur suggestion because that is great myself now any other doctors have thought to stay on a lower dose for maintenance and the. Wean off that. Please let me know. Thank you

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do not reduce by more than 10 percent a month. you need a slow tapering schedule. i use a scale.
so i started at 150mg
step one: i opened the capsule and weighed the grains. i took an average or the grains from several pills as not each capsule will have the same exact weight and average was 463 mgs per pill weight.
step 2: so i then calculated 10 percent of 463 which is 416.7 and that was the dose id weigh foe the next month which would put you at 135mgs.
NOTE: I know its confusing but basically since the actual capsule does not contain 150mgs of the medication but has a different weight, you make your percentage reductions based on the weight inside the capsule not a percentage of 150mg or whatever you actual medication dose is. AGAIN to get the weight of your starting dose you weigh the contents 4 or 5 capsules separately then getting an average weight.
And in order for you to know what that all translates too in miligrams down from 150mg you can also plug 150mg into the calculator with a 10 percent reduction per month and then you can see where you are at with each reduction.
PHYSICALLY WEIGHING THE BEADS IN A CAPSULE For the physical part or doing this:
basically you can open the capsule pour it into a little cup onto the scale and then use a tweezer to remove beads until you are at the correct weight then pour those beads back into the capsule.
once you are reducing my more you can open a capsules and pour a bit of the grains into a jar yoy designate for discarded grains/beads. Then pour the rest of the beads onto the little tray on the scale. if it weight less than the desired weight i use my fingers to take beads out of the discard jar and pour them onto the tray on the scale until i get the correct weight. then i carefully pour the beads from the tray back into the capsule.
if you would like a video of how i do it let me know and i can find a way to send it to you.
i am attaching 2 photos of what a taper schedule would look like for 150 mgs at 10 percent reduction a month and what it would look like if your 150mg capsule content (not including the capsule shell) had an average weight of 463 mg. note that both photos will have the same start date, the same percentage reduction for a cycle of 30 days. one photo will show your actual mg dose example 150mg and the other photo will show a chart for the weight of the 150mg dose which is my case is 463 mg and the 463 js what i rely on to base my reductions off of as i am measuring and making reductions using that start weight.
It all seems complicated but it becomes easy. i never thought id be reducing effexor but thanks to help from folks at and the tapering calculators they provide ive made progress


do not reduce by more than 10 percent a month. you need a slow tapering schedule. i use a scale.
so i started at 150mg
step one: i opened the capsule and weighed the grains. i took an average or the grains from several pills as not each capsule will have the same exact weight and average was 463 mgs per pill weight.
step 2: so i then calculated 10 percent of 463 which is 416.7 and that was the dose id weigh foe the next month which would put you at 135mgs.
NOTE: I know its confusing but basically since the actual capsule does not contain 150mgs of the medication but has a different weight, you make your percentage reductions based on the weight inside the capsule not a percentage of 150mg or whatever you actual medication dose is. AGAIN to get the weight of your starting dose you weigh the contents 4 or 5 capsules separately then getting an average weight.
And in order for you to know what that all translates too in miligrams down from 150mg you can also plug 150mg into the calculator with a 10 percent reduction per month and then you can see where you are at with each reduction.
PHYSICALLY WEIGHING THE BEADS IN A CAPSULE For the physical part or doing this:
basically you can open the capsule pour it into a little cup onto the scale and then use a tweezer to remove beads until you are at the correct weight then pour those beads back into the capsule.
once you are reducing my more you can open a capsules and pour a bit of the grains into a jar yoy designate for discarded grains/beads. Then pour the rest of the beads onto the little tray on the scale. if it weight less than the desired weight i use my fingers to take beads out of the discard jar and pour them onto the tray on the scale until i get the correct weight. then i carefully pour the beads from the tray back into the capsule.
if you would like a video of how i do it let me know and i can find a way to send it to you.
i am attaching 2 photos of what a taper schedule would look like for 150 mgs at 10 percent reduction a month and what it would look like if your 150mg capsule content (not including the capsule shell) had an average weight of 463 mg. note that both photos will have the same start date, the same percentage reduction for a cycle of 30 days. one photo will show your actual mg dose example 150mg and the other photo will show a chart for the weight of the 150mg dose which is my case is 463 mg and the 463 js what i rely on to base my reductions off of as i am measuring and making reductions using that start weight.
It all seems complicated but it becomes easy. i never thought id be reducing effexor but thanks to help from folks at and the tapering calculators they provide ive made progress

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here are the photos


I am tapering from 150mg by reducing by 2.5 percent every 14 days. I cannot tolerate more than a 5% reduction per month. Please all be aware that cutting your effexor dose too quickly can make you ill and suicidal. you may not be able to safely operate a vehicle. My mom’s doctor just told her to reduce from 150mg to 75mg with no taper. this is horrific advice. many doctors do not understand withdrawal from these drugs and the drug manufacturers are not providing accurate or any discontinuation advice because they want to keep customers. Often times you may feel fine at first on a large reduction but the withdrawal often has a delayed effect. this taper schedule here is good but I also suggest anyone planning to get off effexor or other antidepressants go to make an account and get advice. they take harm reduction approve and suggest no more than a 10 percent reduction a month as severe withdrawal causes injury to your nervous system. Ive attached a photo of my taper schedule. the website i posted provides this calculator. I have my starting dose of 150 and a reduction of 2.5 percent every 14 days. I will be at 75 mg by february 2024. YES it takes long to safely ween from effexor, some might be able to handle 10 percent a month but more than that is not ideal

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How is that done with the capsules?


I was taking Effexor when Hurricane Katrina hit. I only had enough for 1 week so I had to seen myself off because nothing was going to be open for a long time. I cut it in half for a week then a quarter. It worked out great for me. I didn’t need anxiety med again until 2016.


doctors are continually telling their patients to make huge reductions on effexor with no taper and it is not appropriate. it can make you suicidal and basically unable to function. you should taper by no more than 10 percent a month. so 10 percent reduction would out you at 135 mg for rhe first month. please go to people there have fantastic advice and provide tapering calculators

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in reply to @snailtime I agree with you. In fact, I have tapered down to 75 mg from 150mg, but now want to get off this drug because it causes terrible eye pain. I have a new psychologist who I am working with, and she also has a MD, specializing in Neurology. I will discuss with her the methods of tapering off this awful drug that I have been taking for years. My PCP initially cut my dose in half, the results were a disastor.


Yes, to taper off venlafaxine without adverse consequence is an art not a science. Thank God, an understanding psychopharmacology prof turned psychologist warned me of the long-term dependency of patients on venlafaxine, that weaning off takes time, patience, meditation, & prayer. After 30 years on venlafaxine 150mg.ER, I am now down to 37.5 mg. whenever I need it. You & a good doc or counselor can do it! Pl. be gentle with yourself. The APA needs to monitor their drug-happy psychiatrists who prescribe psychotropic like candy - 1 size fits all. That's how Michael Jackson died. Buyer beware. The best way to heal from mood disorders is to advocate for yourself in a lifelong partnership with God, yourself, & compassionate, spiritually attuned physicians & counselors. Where are they? What do medical schools, clinics, and Big Pharma do to encourage them? Nothing. So we need to look out after ourselves. I'm 75 & still learning every day...


How is that done with the capsules?

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I took 75 mg. for a period of 2-3 months when there was less stress. When my spiritually attuned psychiatrist worked with me, the dose changed to 37.5 mg. daily for the last 2-3 months. Since my spouse's surgery aftermath is stressful, I'm continuing daily 37.5 until a less stressful time appears. It's a 1 day at a time sort of partnership between you, the God of your understanding, & an understanding, compassionate physician. No quick fixes here. That's how I became drug-dependent in the first place. Remember, First Lady Betty Ford was drug-dependent on pain killers & created the Betty Ford Center. What is the difference between physical & emotional pain in the long run? None, in my opinion. They both can lead to chemical dependency. But we have the power to choose our attitudes & actions with drugs wisely, trusting those who deserve our trust & God.


Hope is on the Horizon, dear one.
A glimmer of hope can be found in asking your doctor to give you a prescription for an inexpensive, non-addictive drug called Buspirone. At a minimum 10mg dose taken up to 3 times a day, it calms your mind and dramatically eases the anxiety so you can think more clearly and cope without falling to pieces. I found it to be my own bridge to finally recreating a functional nervous system once again. As you realize you forgot to take a dose or even two, you’ll know you’re finally on the path to final healing. And then one day you’ll realize you’re down to only taking it at night, and eventually even stop taking the night dose altogether (which I religiously took to avoid waking up with night terrors). I had to go on Buspirone at the end of July 2020, and finally took my last dose in November 2021. I have been fine ever since then and know my nervous system has been finally reset. I hope this helps you and gives you renewed hope that All Can and Will Be Well again in your life.
Blessings Always,
Barbara Sheffield Smith

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I appreciate so much your willingness to share your experience and knowledge. I am looking forward to further investigation of the Buspiron being that it is not addicting.
My experience with Venlafaxine is from 1/2 yrs of being on it daily at the 37.5 mg ER.

I was first prescribed antidepressants when my late husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and after I had 'lost of lot of sleep and extremely tired' for the purpose of getting me some sleep. Well, a little sleep anyways.
I had no clue on prescription use so listened to the doc.
For some time, about 1 1/2 years I stayed on those drugs. The time is a blur so can't remember which ones exactly. I just did what the doc prescribed.
After his passing I weaned myself off of those meds. (7yrs ago)

Then about 1 1/2 yrs ago, (after being forced into retirement and not ready) I started on Venlafaxine at 37.5 mg ER. I did lose 50 lbs in 2 months, slept a great deal so I guess there was a reason the doc felt I should be on something.
As of 2 1/2 weeks ago, I decided, that since I never felt any type of 'betterment' from it, I would wean myself off of it and reading about its side effects and addictiveness.
I am now in my 3rd week of 'every other day' at the 37.5 mgs.
I read here that one shouldn't do the every other day but didn't know that when I started.

As of now, I am having really bad hot flashes that I didn't have before, some tiredness but that has been for a much longer time that the tapering off and some dizziness. No brain zaps. I don't even know what that is and no nausea, thank God.

I am wondering if I should continue with the every other day and for how long before stopping. These are capsules with the beads so more difficult to taper lower but would do that if important.

Blessings to you as well,


I appreciate so much your willingness to share your experience and knowledge. I am looking forward to further investigation of the Buspiron being that it is not addicting.
My experience with Venlafaxine is from 1/2 yrs of being on it daily at the 37.5 mg ER.

I was first prescribed antidepressants when my late husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and after I had 'lost of lot of sleep and extremely tired' for the purpose of getting me some sleep. Well, a little sleep anyways.
I had no clue on prescription use so listened to the doc.
For some time, about 1 1/2 years I stayed on those drugs. The time is a blur so can't remember which ones exactly. I just did what the doc prescribed.
After his passing I weaned myself off of those meds. (7yrs ago)

Then about 1 1/2 yrs ago, (after being forced into retirement and not ready) I started on Venlafaxine at 37.5 mg ER. I did lose 50 lbs in 2 months, slept a great deal so I guess there was a reason the doc felt I should be on something.
As of 2 1/2 weeks ago, I decided, that since I never felt any type of 'betterment' from it, I would wean myself off of it and reading about its side effects and addictiveness.
I am now in my 3rd week of 'every other day' at the 37.5 mgs.
I read here that one shouldn't do the every other day but didn't know that when I started.

As of now, I am having really bad hot flashes that I didn't have before, some tiredness but that has been for a much longer time that the tapering off and some dizziness. No brain zaps. I don't even know what that is and no nausea, thank God.

I am wondering if I should continue with the every other day and for how long before stopping. These are capsules with the beads so more difficult to taper lower but would do that if important.

Blessings to you as well,

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@gail51 Personally, when it comes to tapering off meds I advise do it VERY slowly and carefully. You will get there...took me three months to get off of oxycodone doing 1/2 pill a week!! But I suffered no side effects and did it safely. Had to go back on but I WAS able to do it. We have no clue what these meds have done to us both physically and mentally. I am now tapering off of alprazolam. I was on 2 mg 3x/day. For almost ten years. Doctor decided to drop me to .25 mg 3x/day!!!! Yup!! I almost went hysterical. I would have died from seizures and withdrawal. I was physically shaking - it was terrible. I finally got in touch with her on a Friday afternoon and she had no clue what she had done to me and how dropping the dose so drastically could have killed me. Someone on another chat attached a copy of a CDC pamphlet about tapering off drugs and I sent it to her. I am currently on 1.75 mg 3x/day and when I feel ready I will drop to 1.5 3x/day. Etc etc. As it is I am currently in the middle of a lupus flare and my hair is falling out in clumps. I can't sleep. I'm not hungry but I eat 3 meals/day. My sense of smell is not great. My lab numbers of my blood sodium levels became toxic in July and I had a car accident which took me to the hospital where they found that my blood sodium levels were critical 😳😳. There was a trend. I send all of my doctors my labs and no one saw the downward spiral! And what did they do in the hospital ? Took me off ALL OF MY MEDS inc leukemia, blood pressure alprazolam and oxycodone!!!! Lucky me I keep meds in my handbag because I would have died there as well. My blood pressure which was finally normalized, zoomed back up. Did it force my flare? I had started hydroxychloroquine for my lupus (with no symptoms) for one month and had to stop because of side effects. And suddenly my kidney numbers are bad. I keep a journal and I can see my labs changed in June/July which was the beginning/end of my taking it. No other doctor sees it even tho I print out individual lab history showing numbers going down from that point.
Sorry I got off track but if you are experiencing issues with the every other day cut back 1/2 pill on that "other" day for a week or two. Then 1/4 pill. Then just every other day. Don't hurt yourself to get off a drug when you can do it safely.
Best to you. 🌻


I have been on venlafex for 2 years now. I didn’t go on it for depression but anxiety and stress due to the fact that we decided to move countries. I went to see my doctor due to awful tinnitus and told him that I felt I didn’t need venlafex anymore. He decreased my dose immediately from 70mg to 37.5. Then told me to decrease to 1 every second day and so on. After two weeks I was fine but suddenly started suffering nausea, headaches brain fog, fatigue, worse tinnitus, odd pains in my head. I had no idea that these were withdrawal symptoms. I started panicking thinking I had brain tumours etc until I started researching and realised it was all withdrawal symptoms. How could my doc do this to me? I can’t get tablet form to cut in half to at least taper off the daily dose. I tried opening the capsules which just landed up flying everywhere. I’ve decided to try and see an ENT and have a ct scan anyway because the tinnitus is unbearable. The antibiotics and drops didn’t help. I feel like my head is a total mess. Needless to say I’m changing doctors

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Hi Berverlyz, I am in the same boat with EFFEXOR (aka VENLAFAXINE). Question for you, as you, I suffer (6 months after stopping a long 2 yr titration), fatigue & brain fog. Bearing in mind your post is dated a year ago, have these symptoms now gone? Peoples different reactions to this drug (withdrawal /side effects ) vary wildly. I understand said legacy effects can last 3+ years after stopping . Regards

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