Scheduling quandary: Can I wait 3 months for my Radical Prostatectomy?

Posted by matthew61 @matthew61, Aug 21, 2023

A bit of a quandary here. My situation is attached below. My wife just had a procedure done which will prevent her from caring for me after surgery scheduled for next week. My back up just broke her arm and injured her knee and cannot help either. Should I wait three months for surgery. PSA 4, T2A, and six of 12 samples positive one at a 4+3 at 10%. I an in very good health otherwise at 62 years old. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

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I only needed a ride home after the Robot surgery and an over night at the hospital and Uber or a neighbor could have done that. I handled the catheter and bag and stairs at home and driving to the doctor to remove the catheter and driving home after removal and I handled getting my own food from the microwave. So that was my experience, if that is any guidance. That said, it would be wise to hire a back up caregiver in case there is a complication and staying another day in the hospital after the Robot surgery might be good.
Also, a three month delay MIGHT not hurt as this is a slow growing cancer, yet it is it is still a cancer. My doctors delayed my surgery 6 months and put me on ADT 6 months before surgery as they advised me that the ADT softens up the cancer and gives them a better chance to remove it all. Good luck


I chose to stay an extra night at Mayo care hotel in Jax after my RLP just to be safe since I live three hours away by car. Other than driving me home, my wife did not have much “nurse duty” at all except helping with catheter drainage the first days, but I could have done it myself. I just wanted to make her feel important😂. Of course, there are always possibilities of complications so I agree a backup plan is prudent. In my case, I was glad to get it over and on the road to recovery. Waiting three months will put you in the middle of the holiday season, if that matters.


I only needed a ride home after the Robot surgery and an over night at the hospital and Uber or a neighbor could have done that. I handled the catheter and bag and stairs at home and driving to the doctor to remove the catheter and driving home after removal and I handled getting my own food from the microwave. So that was my experience, if that is any guidance. That said, it would be wise to hire a back up caregiver in case there is a complication and staying another day in the hospital after the Robot surgery might be good.
Also, a three month delay MIGHT not hurt as this is a slow growing cancer, yet it is it is still a cancer. My doctors delayed my surgery 6 months and put me on ADT 6 months before surgery as they advised me that the ADT softens up the cancer and gives them a better chance to remove it all. Good luck

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Thank you, what was your psa and Gleason score if you don’t mind me asking.


Thank you, what was your psa and Gleason score if you don’t mind me asking.

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My PSA was 3, next year 6, year of my biopsy was 9. I am gleason 9 locally advanced ( seminal vehicles) CR, aggressive PC Now 76 and 74 at biopsy and surgery and beginning of 13 months of ADT and Erleada.


I had RP April 5 '23. I'm 74. As others have said, the only help I needed after I left the hospital 24 hours post surgery was a ride home. The biggest difficulty was moving around with the catheter, and really, no one can help you with that. I was able to walk and care for myself within six hours of leaving the recovery room. At home, I used no pain meds other than tylenol. Once I knew I had cancer, I wanted the treatment to start as soon as possible. By then, I'd had a couple of years of active surveillance, and another 3 months of anxiety was not on my agenda.


I was diagnosed with PC 10/30/2020, PSA was 10.9 . Due to a change of insurance RRP was not done until 03/08/2021 (PSA has risen to 11.6). The surgery wasn't a problem but I did developed Ileus (could not keep food down) and was readmitted in less than 24 hours of my release from surgery. I live alone. My sister came and stayed with me the 1st night and was able to take me back to the hospital. I would say the 1st 24 hours post surgery are most critical but I don't think that someone has to necessarily be with you after that. Best wishes for a successful surgery and treatment.


I would agree with the other comments. After my diagnosis (same GS as yours), I wanted to address it as soon as possible - It is cancer, albeit slow growing, still cancer. I would recommend having the surgery and coordinating support for the first few days. It will be more difficult without your wife or others at your side, but this inconvenience will be temporary. You are a relatively young guy and have many years of life.

Good luck with your decision,



Concur with comments/experiences above.
My surgical recovery was excellent and I would have been fine even if alone.
Certainly was helpful to have spouse there to help, but truthfully I pissed her off big time because I didn't need assistance and she wanted so much to help (I have helped her thru numerous surgical recoveries and she wanted to reciprocate).
So, depending upon what your wife needs from you, I would weigh helping her or having surgery.
For me, a 3 month delay would weigh heavily on my mind. If practical, have the surgery and you both will be recovered sooner than later.
Good luck with your decision.
And, a "grabber" is helpful for stuff that drop onto the floor.🤭


I’m not sure what effect more than three months will have. In my situation, I had to wait a month to talk with a doctor at the Mayo Clinic. Then it took three months before I had my surgery. This was during the COVID-19 out break period. I had my surgery in the early morning, and I was released that afternoon. I returned a week later and had my catheter removed. I had 8 biopsies; one showed cancer. Ugh. My PSA has been has been tested every three months over the past 18 months. It has not risen and is < .1
Good luck with your treatment.


No way you should wait! You will absolutely need home care. I was flat out for a week post surgery while slowly recovering. You should hire a nurse (not an aid) for the first week. Afterwards, an aid will do the trick. Don’t be macho here.
Get the help….you will need the care! RS

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