Nerve pain treatment with INF - Anyone tried this?

Posted by sash @sash, Oct 15, 2021

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Hello all neuropathy warriors regardless of onset or type.😃🙏🏻🇺🇸
It is quite the nightmare.
I’m a non diabetic with severe degenerative arthritis in all joints-starting in my spine 23 yrs back. On my second spine surgery I awakened with a severe burning from waist down incl. feet. Like walking on hot glass shards.
My L leg had been dragging n my foot was improved but leg control was iffy n spotty. I’m a hardcore athlete n was in top shape. I’m a sm built woman but always low bmi ( 11-13).
Later into th first 3 weeks, my neck fusion broke.
The military Navy, Flagship Hosp. Not only ignored it but refused to talk to me after this break AND developed same, exact symptoms from head down. Face, arms n hands.
The closest thing I could find is :
Post Surgical Neuropathy-now called Hyper Glial Central Sensitization. The entire CNS stays in a read alert status. Almost like a reaction to a drug or something in surgery.
I was always told I was the problem. Neck nerve damage also causes horrible ear pain n tinnitus. I later developed severe, constant vertigo.
I still am trying to get my 100% disability. Just too sick most days to leave my couch.
Following these techniques has improved my pain n my total body nutrition has helped repair my gut.
I’m ADHD, all add Or autistic spectrum folks HAVE DYSFUNCTIONAL GUTS. Too acidic. We are nutrient deficient-severely. New published in th last ten yrs. Sorry I didn’t reference but I do know it’s now public info w/ coroberating studies.
Clean up the daily toxic load on the body.
Organic food only
No preservatives
Filtered water only ( vital)
Alkaline diet
Nebulize to improve body ph ( Dr Sircus, holistic Cancer treatments )
Load up on magnesium, calcium, zinc n potassium to improve tremors, twitching n fascia knots.
( this is vital to help body function better). We load calcium but nothing else so Americans are unbalanced ( arthritis) n also toxic.
Start castor oil liver packs to improve liver function n get thyroid going.
Drs in mainstream don’t talk about or consider diet. They actively fight homeopathic medicine because it takes away profit of big pharma.
Our bodies can heal if fed correctly. Homeopathic Drs are regular trained but continue to specialize in holistic, healing of our bodies-usually thru their own journeys.
These mainstream types give us pain intervention that SHUTS DOWN THE THYROID. This makes neuropathy even more intense. I went down this road until I lost my pain clinic in 2018.
I’m still trying n reading because I can’t afford a homeopathic Dr.
NO INSURANCE COVERAGE fr PREVENTATIVE HEALTH remedies. It’s in writing. Why is that ?
It’s in every ins. Fine print.
This also helps diabetics, fibro, thyroid diseases n all other chronic n autoimmune disorders.
All big pharma anti inflammatory kill our guts n cause permanent changes to prevent nutrient absorption ( publicly studied).
Try to get walking or moving in anyway possible.
Meditate to focus healing of th organs in the body
Get light every day-recharging our cells.
Do red light therapy ( try to buy used). Only specific window of frequencies works. All u electronics types like me will get this.
Some of us can’t be near RF or routers. U can make the bedroom like a safe zone- make a Farraday cage. I’m trying to do this soon.
Increase Glutathione levels as much as possible. Glutathione heals the body n counters oxidation.
Alpha Lipoic Acid. Around 200mg / 100 kilos. Pls check before ingesting and check any drugs you must take fr interaction. B safe.
This list is part of different lists I’ve put together thru my reading.
Only independent search tools will give independent results. Like Brave or a Torrent engine. Th UN is helping to suppress certain info via search tools ( publicly announced last weekend)
Learn to heal yourself using herbals n healing foods. Food can ChANGE DNA. ( public info). So we know our chemical add ins r staying in our foods.

I hope this helps anyone out there. It’s a true struggle if u live alone too 😢🙏🏻🤗. My husband works shifts so some days I don’t eat a lot.
Don’t look fr FDA seal of approval, they’re on their own side.

PEMF is great fr pain. I’m using an Oska PEMF tool. It’s a couple yrs old now. I get horrible daily Migraines n it can help shut it down 😃💕. If using pulsed Eltronic Field tool, th pattern of the emission helps the body instead of hurting it.

Experiment with RF shielding. It could help.
Turn off th router at night
My prayers and happy thoughts go out to everyone 💕🙏🏻🇺🇸


I went down to Loma Linda in mid July for their initial, no cost evaluation and treatment. The folks I talked with were very nice people. The therapist said at the beginning that the treatment procedures may seem like some kind of “hocus hocus”, because it involves placing only very light pressure on several different pressure points. And that proved to be true. But after the 1 hour session, I felt no difference, no improvement. The treatment did not seem to be a highly skilled process, so I also wonder why they are not teaching more therapists how to do this, and get more treatment out to the public who is much in need of therapies that work, even if it is not successful for all patients. Many treatments and medications are not 100% effective, but if it works for some people, then let the patient try without traveling to this one location only. I was very disappointed. I also had to pay a little over $500 for air fare there & back, hotel and ground transportation. But that was of course my choice.

But there was no charge and no high pressure tactics from LL for me to sign up for the full treatment.

I still feel there may be something to this I guess as LL has too great of a reputation to run a scam. (or maybe not?)

But as so many of you are saying, there is just something not right because of the claims of success, yet we are hearing only a handful of patients testimonials who experienced success for an extended period after treatment. So if this really is producing the results, they need to get a better marketing and advertising campaign and business plan.

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Hey all. Came across this page and as someone who received extensive INF treatment from Dr. Mark Bussell, I wanted to come on here to share my experience and set some things straight.

To give you some background, I was diagnosed with bilateral TOS (all three) in Dec. 2020, and had a surgical decompression Jan. 2021 (I was 19yo at the time, and had been suffering for years with no diagnosis). While the surgery helped alleviate my venous and arterial symptoms, I unfortunately did not get any relief from my neurogenic symptoms. I’m sure you all know just how stubborn neuropathy can be. Over two years post-op, I was still in immense pain and had tried everything I could possibly find to try and get some relief, to no avail. My dad came across INF when doing research into chronic pain therapies in the US (we are Canadian) and set up a consultation with Dr. Mark Bussell (DPT who developed the therapy). He changed my life.

I was treated by Dr. Bussell and another one of their physical therapists named Paul, however everyone at this clinic is extremely kind and very dedicated to making their patients feel better. Dr. Bussell is unlike any doctor I have ever come across: kind, compassionate, dedicated - it is easy to see how much he truly cares for his patients. I had 5 weeks of therapy, and now a home program to do myself, and for the first time in years, I am completely pain-free and off of all medications.

As someone who struggled from severe neuropathy for years, I too was extremely sceptical. Such high success rates for neuropathy? Seemed too good to be true. I had tried every medication, seen every doctor (neuro, osteo, chiro, rheum, etc.) all to no avail. Opioids barely touched my pain.

The reality of the situation is this: Dr. Bussell has been developing and perfecting this therapy for years. Right now, they are in the process of training new therapists, in order to start opening up new clinics. There are other hospitals interested in opening clinics, however these processes take a long time. They have clinical research published, and are working on getting more out in order to get approval from insurance.

Just because the treatment isn’t already well established, doesn’t mean it is any less effective, or a scam as some of you are saying. It takes a long time for those things to happen, and they are in the middle of the process.

I would strongly recommend this therapy to anyone. My pain went from being at a 8/9 daily, to most days being at a 0/1. It seems too good to be true, but it’s not. This clinic is changing the face of neuropathy treatment. Nerves are very slow to heal, and one hour of any treatment is not going to completely solve a complex case of neuropathy. These things take some time and work.



Very happy your treatment was a success. I wish mine had been. Maybe I should have insisted on Dr Bussell to do my treatment. And I was not saying it’s a scam. I said several times I had a lot of faith on the Loma Linda reputation, and that’s why I was willing to struggle down there and back by myself on airlines (and we know what a nightmare that is) and spend about $500 out of pocket. I was also stranded for a while at Ontario Airport because my Uber app was not being recognized for some reason and I couldn’t get a ride to LL. My neuropathy is progressing and my mobility is slowly getting worse. Pain is not that big of an issue, but mostly numbness and balance. In fact, if this were available up in the San Francisco Bay area where I could go there with ease, I would be willing to pay for the additional therapy.

So I still feel their business folks should be getting more people like you to give more testimonials especially how they are doing a year or two after treatment. Because in spite of the claim of ‘over 4700 patients treated successfully', there’s still only a handful of first hand accounts of success. And the published study you mentioned, was of a very small group, 28 total, 17 INF, 11 placebo or sham. And although some of the results lean in favor of INF. There were also some favorable results of the placebo group. But these were all short term results.

However, I’m sure most people don’t care much about the results for other people, but only about “how well will it work for them?” And the only way to know for sure is to travel there and try it. I encourage anyone to try it and hope they get good results like you. And as I said if this becomes available in the San Francisco bay area, I would probably be one of the first in line to try the full treatment procedures.

I hope you continue to have the pain relief and good health results for years to come.




Very happy your treatment was a success. I wish mine had been. Maybe I should have insisted on Dr Bussell to do my treatment. And I was not saying it’s a scam. I said several times I had a lot of faith on the Loma Linda reputation, and that’s why I was willing to struggle down there and back by myself on airlines (and we know what a nightmare that is) and spend about $500 out of pocket. I was also stranded for a while at Ontario Airport because my Uber app was not being recognized for some reason and I couldn’t get a ride to LL. My neuropathy is progressing and my mobility is slowly getting worse. Pain is not that big of an issue, but mostly numbness and balance. In fact, if this were available up in the San Francisco Bay area where I could go there with ease, I would be willing to pay for the additional therapy.

So I still feel their business folks should be getting more people like you to give more testimonials especially how they are doing a year or two after treatment. Because in spite of the claim of ‘over 4700 patients treated successfully', there’s still only a handful of first hand accounts of success. And the published study you mentioned, was of a very small group, 28 total, 17 INF, 11 placebo or sham. And although some of the results lean in favor of INF. There were also some favorable results of the placebo group. But these were all short term results.

However, I’m sure most people don’t care much about the results for other people, but only about “how well will it work for them?” And the only way to know for sure is to travel there and try it. I encourage anyone to try it and hope they get good results like you. And as I said if this becomes available in the San Francisco bay area, I would probably be one of the first in line to try the full treatment procedures.

I hope you continue to have the pain relief and good health results for years to come.


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Dave, I’m sorry you have yet to find something that works for you.

I personally visited the clinic twice. The first time, I came for 2 weeks, and had 10 INF sessions. Only in the last day or two did I start to feel better. I was unable to extend the trip, so I went home, and didn’t end up going back for 8 months. The second round of treatment we had to start again from square one (I did not continue my home program), but since I received more treatment, I started feeling better and the results started sticking.

I unfortunately can’t attach a link here, but on their website, there are multiple links to more clinical research if you are interested.

Hopefully a clinic opens up sometime near you. Or even just an INF trained therapist. I wish neuropathy was easier to treat.



Dave, I’m sorry you have yet to find something that works for you.

I personally visited the clinic twice. The first time, I came for 2 weeks, and had 10 INF sessions. Only in the last day or two did I start to feel better. I was unable to extend the trip, so I went home, and didn’t end up going back for 8 months. The second round of treatment we had to start again from square one (I did not continue my home program), but since I received more treatment, I started feeling better and the results started sticking.

I unfortunately can’t attach a link here, but on their website, there are multiple links to more clinical research if you are interested.

Hopefully a clinic opens up sometime near you. Or even just an INF trained therapist. I wish neuropathy was easier to treat.


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@juliabasa, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to research with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe.

Please allow me to post it for you:
- From Loma Linda University Health


can you do your own INf treatments at home?


can you do your own INf treatments at home?

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Welcome @scout227, According to the link in the discussion description they do send you home with some exercises to keep doing at home but I'm sure there is more to their INf treatment program - Loma Linda University Health:

I also found this YouTube video that gives you some exercises at home to help with neuropathy.
--- (74) Stretches and Exercises for Neuropathy:

How long have you been diagnosed with neuropathy? Have you tried other treatments?


I attach a rather long study in an 8 week test in Thiland using a mini-trampoline exercise on improving foot mobility, plantar pressure and sensation of neuropathic feet. For a layman it is rather difficult to understand but the at the conclusion it seem effective. I would like to hear any coments on this study as I have had foot neuropathy for 4 years with no improvement in pain or balance.
Alfred Shaw

Shared files

Mini trampoline neuropathy test (Mini-trampoline-neuropathy-test.pdf)

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