hi leeo, I have BD Ultra Fine. The size needle from Singapore is Ultra-Fine Pro which is 32 gage and 1 mm shorter (4mm) than the Ultra-Fine III 31 gage at 5mm. Forteo recommends the 5 or 8mm BD micro-fine which comes in 29-32 gage.
One of the endocriniologists that I see suggests that you don't have to change the needle with every injection. With the Forteo brand pen you can't replace the cap with the needle attached. The alvogen cap easily fits over the exposed needle. While I don't see this maneuver saving much money, the advice is that it is replacing the needle that disturbs the protein in the drug. You may be getting a fresher dose, but mainly you can use the last two doses that we are advised to discard.
The Alvogen pen has 31 doses, the Forteo pen 28 doses. Some have adverse reactions. You might consider that when purchasing your first pen. It is tempting to take the discount for three.
I hope you have the luck I've had with this amazing drug.
Oh, and be sure and talk with the pharmacy manager if the pharmacy clerk isn't aware of alvogen.
gently, thanks again for the info. I take it you live in Singapore?
I'm new to pens & needles. If I read you response correctly, your using BD Ultra Fine Pro 4mm 32 guage? The shortest and smallest needle? If so, no problem with using needles different from recommended by Forteo 5 or 8mm needles?
Also, you use Alvogen Teriparatide (Bonsity)? If Alvogen has 31 doses and you don't change the needle are you really getting say 33 doses? Or if your using Forteo brand 28-day, your able to squeeze out 2-3 more days (30-31 day) doses with using same needle maybe 2 times? It's something to be aware of. Not sure why Forteo brand is only 28 day when there is only 1 28 day in a year.
Does your insurance cover the needles? I read somewhere if you have a prescription for the needles, insurance should pick it up.