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Welcome @mpm! My PMR has been in remission for 5+ years now but I do have osteopenia and have wondered about preventing bone loss. There is another discussion you might find helpful on the topic here:
--- Prednisone and bone loss. I was diagnosed with PMR: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/prednisone-and-bone-loss-i-was-diagnosed-with-pmr/.

Tapering can be difficult if you try to taper off too fast. Here's a discussion that you might want to look at:
--- PMR Dosages and Managing Symptoms: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pmr-dosages/.

Do you mind sharing what dosage of prednisone you took when you started PMR treatment?

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Replies to "Welcome @mpm! My PMR has been in remission for 5+ years now but I do have..."

Hi John - I am healthy 72 years old, PMR came on within 36 hours. Primary care doctor referred to a Rheumatologist. Dr stated I was classic book example and prescribed 2.5mg starting with 6 pills. I did receive some relief - After 14 days, I began 5 pills a day and the pain was limiting me with my daily routine. I called the DR, sent an email and after 13 days in pain Dr responded with, “I will prescribe 5mg this one time. You need to pick what bone RX to take" I had already replied with the test results stating once inflammation is lower, I would weigh the pros and cons of these RX's.
I decided to choose a new Rheumatologist. I did see new DR last Thursday, she ordered 10 blood test and reviewed all. I am waiting for results and what's next!
I believe in the medical profession yet I have to be an advocate for my health without adding new side effects!
Thank you-