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Since this past spring I have been up and down a few times because of my hand problem, not the pmr. My rheumatologist wanted me to go to 10 mg for 2 weeks, 7.5 mg for 2 weeks, then stay at 5 mg. It did not work but I did what he suggested. My hands got better then worse. My crp was up to 24 and my wbc count was 17,000. My hands were swollen, stiff, warm to touch, could not make a fist. I had a lengthy appt with my rheumatologist and a new Dr - a 'fellow' in training. We discussed why this was happening and a plan. He said the 'tapering' can 'trigger' the kind of response I was having.
I'm in my 5 th year of this. My direction all along has been tapering 1 mg/ month at 10 mg. The pmr symptoms have escalated a couple times when I reached 5 mg or lower. I am now taking my entire dose in the morning. Before I was splitting the dose. Getting down to 3 mg made the tapering difficult. I was down to 1 mg morning and evening.
At this last appt I agreed to try methotrexate. Both Drs were in agreement that I needed more than prednisone. I agreed to try methotrexate but have since talked myself out of it. I'm 74, had a lot of medical problems throughout my life and am very nervous about mtx triggering a worse problem.
I'm pretty confident I can get down to 5 mg with no relapse, next appt is in Oct.
I am thinking I should slow the tapering once I reach 5 mg this time. My xrays show definite osteoarthritis in both hands and arthropathy consistent with cppd. My hands are significantly better for now. I am altering my diet, doing some therapy with exercise and heat and cold packs. One day at a time.

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Replies to "Since this past spring I have been up and down a few times because of my..."

Thanks for that explanation Suzanne. You haven't had an easy time, very frustrating I'm sure.

No quick decisions need to be made about introducing new medications which will impact your health one way or another. I'm learning not to agree to treatment options on the spot too. There isn't just "yes" or "no" in reply to a doctor's proposal. Just as valid is "I'll think about it". Please let us know how you go with things later on.

I had my first symptoms in January 2023. My biggest issue is in my fingers and hands. Of course the stiffness and pain are intolerable in the morning. No swelling. Most of the time by days end I can barely close my fingers and make a fist.
I take my prednisone in the am , 5mg and 7.5 mg meloxicam at night. I am taking 6 Advil tabs per day to alleviate my left shoulder pain . It seems to help but I can’t stay on Advil due to my other meds. See rheumatologist Thursday. Hope he can get me some relief and stability. Wishing you the best,