Popping in knee 4 weeks post replacement?

Posted by pkrjuly102023 @pkrjuly102023, Aug 9, 2023

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced a popping sensation in their knee after a TKR or PKR? I am 4 weeks out and it often feels like the knee cap is misaligned when I am walking, then I will experience a popping sensation, and then it often feels better afterwards - like the knee cap is in a better place. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this!

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Noise or popping from the knee after a TKR is common. From what I've heard from patients, some noise will continue and yes, it involves the paella, the only moving part.

I don't have any noise, but I'm an athletic 68 y/o male. After surgery, I worked to strengthen the quads and hamstring muscles, and believe they are holding my knee together tightly.

But I've always been a gym rat and that hasn't changed. At 4 weeks, I wouldn't be concerned with noise. Do all the rehab exercises 3x/day and go to all of your pt sessions.

All the best! Joe


My knee snaps crackles and pops ALL the time. Most of the time it doesn't hurt but other times it is very painful.


My knee snaps crackles and pops ALL the time. Most of the time it doesn't hurt but other times it is very painful.

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I am two years out and popping started about 3 months post op and never stopped. Pain never stopped on outside lateral side of knee either. To see fourth consultant. Have 3 different opinions on what to do: nothing, live with the pain; arthroscopic surgery has 50% chance of helping; revision. One pain doctor wants to implant peripheral nerve stimulator which is a no go as well as revision as of now. Rehab was horrible and had complications. Recommend seeing someone for the pain.


I am two years out and popping started about 3 months post op and never stopped. Pain never stopped on outside lateral side of knee either. To see fourth consultant. Have 3 different opinions on what to do: nothing, live with the pain; arthroscopic surgery has 50% chance of helping; revision. One pain doctor wants to implant peripheral nerve stimulator which is a no go as well as revision as of now. Rehab was horrible and had complications. Recommend seeing someone for the pain.

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I'm very sorry about what you're going through. Have the Drs determined what is causing the outside lateral pain? It could be a tight Illio Tibial Band (ITB) - a band of tissue that runs from your hip on the lateral side to just below the knee joint. Usually, stretching and icing right at the lateral point of the knee helps. You can google how to stretch the ITB.

Or it could be a damaged/strained lateral collateral ligament (LCL).

Whatever, before submitting to any plan, have the Drs determine the cause of the pain, especially if you're considering a revision.

As for the noise, you mentioned popping. That could be the patella moving around after the TKR, not uncommon. Or it could be a very tight ITB snapping over the bone on the outside of the knee.

So to summarize 1) find out what is causing the pain and 2) find out what is causing the popping noise and if that's normal from the TKR. All the best to you.


Thanks for your response! No one so far has addressed the cause of the pain but hope Dr. #4 can help. Possibly patellar clunk syndrome which is diagnosed by MRI which isn’t easy because of the metal hardware. Arthroscopic surgery can help with this. Not doing anything until I get some answers. Did MFR for 2 months which worked on the IT band but no help. The stats I’ve seen on revision are worse than an original surgery and could end up with more scar tissue and nerve damage. Stay tuned.


Thanks for your response! No one so far has addressed the cause of the pain but hope Dr. #4 can help. Possibly patellar clunk syndrome which is diagnosed by MRI which isn’t easy because of the metal hardware. Arthroscopic surgery can help with this. Not doing anything until I get some answers. Did MFR for 2 months which worked on the IT band but no help. The stats I’ve seen on revision are worse than an original surgery and could end up with more scar tissue and nerve damage. Stay tuned.

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Yeah I have yet to see someone post here that their revision went well. Then again people with good outcomes don't post here a lot. Even so, it just sounds like an absolute last resort.

The pain is a mystery to me. Not thing TKR solves is the pain caused by the femur and tibia rubbing against each other (caused by loss of articular cartilage and the menisci.

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