Increasingly Difficult to Accept Peripheral Neuropathy

Posted by fisbo @fisbo, Oct 10, 2022

I am finding it increasingly difficult to accept peripheral neuropathy it's all very well people coming up with suggestions but carrying them out is quite another. I am no longer who I was and think I am boring and miserable because I am now. Pain takes over and I have become fearful nervous prone to panic attacks which are awful because I start to shake with worrying about the future. I have other worries anyway but if this damned PN would go away it would help.

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@johnbishop Thanks I've tried many different shoes. I mostly wear sneakers. I found that if they are a bit too large it's better & of course I Have to wear socks day & overnite. I currently have an appointment with a Homeopathic Dr at the end of Sept. out of desperation I decided to "bite the bullet". I'll report it here of course. Surely I am NOT done yet!!! I may be 80 but I have Lots more living to do!

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I'm one of the tried many shoes gang also 🙂 Currently have switched to Xero shoes and have a couple of different pairs. They are comfortable and have zero drop soles which is more natural for the feet and helps me feel the ground although it's definitely not a cushiony feeling. It helps with my balance but I'm sure they are not for everyone. Great attitude! And since I'm 80 too, I like it even better for a new tag line 🙃

80 & not done yet!!!


Hi @johnbishop ,
Thanks for the welcoming post. I currently ride a tricycle weather permitting, I also have a rower & a stationary bike. I do Pilates & a bit of yoga. I've always been blessed with great flexibility. I'm searching for something that perhaps someone can give me suggestions that I haven't already tried for relief of the constant pain & discomfort.

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Have you tried acupuncture? I found that 5 sessions helped me relax and provided a different sense of comfort. It wasn’t suggested as a lifelong therapy, but I plan to schedule occasional follow-ups every now and then.


Have you tried acupuncture? I found that 5 sessions helped me relax and provided a different sense of comfort. It wasn’t suggested as a lifelong therapy, but I plan to schedule occasional follow-ups every now and then.

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Yes in fact I was in a trial for a new method of acupuncture. It did nothing for me unfortunately


I'm 55. I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with incurable, unmanaged, uncontrollable diabetes II and painful body neuropathy.

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (pregabapentin/gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I completely regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (PN-nerve damage) to quickly spread and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, waist and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, nervousness with daily activities, etc.. And not to mention, impotent for the last 4 years and specialized doctor(s) want 20K to make you believe that they can help with it. I declined!

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The final solution mentioned was to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such decision. I will continue to endure and suffer which I have accepted to convince mind it is a part of the remaining style way of my life.

I adopted a 4 year dog (German Shepherd) to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week which helps body, muscles, and nerves. She is amazing! I seriously regret not adopting dog long ago.

My advice is to eat healthy, "exercise', and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you …


I'm 55. I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with incurable, unmanaged, uncontrollable diabetes II and painful body neuropathy.

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (pregabapentin/gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I completely regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (PN-nerve damage) to quickly spread and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, waist and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, nervousness with daily activities, etc.. And not to mention, impotent for the last 4 years and specialized doctor(s) want 20K to make you believe that they can help with it. I declined!

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The final solution mentioned was to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such decision. I will continue to endure and suffer which I have accepted to convince mind it is a part of the remaining style way of my life.

I adopted a 4 year dog (German Shepherd) to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week which helps body, muscles, and nerves. She is amazing! I seriously regret not adopting dog long ago.

My advice is to eat healthy, "exercise', and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you …

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Your last two paras are the key and don’t over think things, just be accepting.
I have Parkinsons as well as PN, there’s lot of other people a lot worse off.


Thanks for your comment! I realize some people are much more distressed and discomfort but I simply wanted to post before conditions worsen in the remains of my life and sadly, nothing can be done!

My prayers are with you !


Hi there. I definitely can relate to having trouble with accepting a problem like this that is so chronic and for some of us puts limitations on our life. Trying to be positive and hopeful is helpful to us. Visualizing a better future and even writing down things that you are grateful for. I've become a lot more aware and grateful for what seems to be the simplest things. When you put your awareness on the good it brings only good thoughts and feelings to you in the future. Sorry for being preachy. It's hard I want to be negative because my situation is so dire but in the end it doesn't help me. Go on You Tube and type in Good Vibes Miracle Nerve Regeneration Repair Nerve Damage, Cell Regeneration #GV065. This is a sound therapy video, binaural beats. Listen to it without headphones and try to have your painful body area closer to the speaker at a moderate to low volume and play it for at least 30 minutes. It seems to help a lot of people even me. Have hope and take care.


Hi @johnbishop ,
Thanks for the welcoming post. I currently ride a tricycle weather permitting, I also have a rower & a stationary bike. I do Pilates & a bit of yoga. I've always been blessed with great flexibility. I'm searching for something that perhaps someone can give me suggestions that I haven't already tried for relief of the constant pain & discomfort.

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Jakegram23 you haven’t mentioned acupuncture for PN which has shown positive for some people. The other thing I will suggest is mindfulness meditation to help you come to terms with PN. You shouldn’t have to suffer like this.


Jakegram23 you haven’t mentioned acupuncture for PN which has shown positive for some people. The other thing I will suggest is mindfulness meditation to help you come to terms with PN. You shouldn’t have to suffer like this.

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I have tried acupuncture. I also practice yoga & meditate. I will continue to seek an answer to my condition


Jakegram23 you haven’t mentioned acupuncture for PN which has shown positive for some people. The other thing I will suggest is mindfulness meditation to help you come to terms with PN. You shouldn’t have to suffer like this.

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@jenatsky You bring up some good points and I tend to read your posts; they are of interest for sure. I have zero medical background and I think what was most difficult for me to understand about PN is that this creeps up on you over time and then, uh oh. Mine is idiopathic sensory motor and not a diabetic. I decided to learn what I could on my own by reading books and literature relating to PN. By getting to know more about PN, learning and understanding how it impacts us has made it easier for me to accept. Like many others, we were not given a choice do we want PN or not....but, we do have a choice on how we live with it and manage with it. Acceptance is the first hurdle. Best to all! Ed

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