← Return to PN? What's good about it?


PN? What's good about it?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Aug 16, 2023 | Replies (16)

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My neighbors know I retired early because of neuropathy pain ( and terrible fatigue). I am receiving SS Disability. I love working outside in my yard, and find ways to make that happen. I have a bottle of “magic pills” - prednisone 10 mg. Last week I treated myself to about six straight days of prednisone. Pain gone! Energy restored! Even my dry eyes/mouth and dizziness gone! So I took my new pressure washer and went to work on my front sidewalk. Also my porch and pergola roof. I was reaching, stretching, going up and down the ladder, leaning over while holding the sprayer high. I did the whole sidewalk. What great therapy!
Now the prednisone is gone, and I don’t have to tell you how many places I am hurting. I’m hobbling this morning, grimacing. My hands are miserable.
So my point is, my neighbors, and the moms parked along the street picking their kids up, might judge me. Why am I getting disability? I felt guilty even as I was enjoying my prednisone week, because I knew I was temporarily “able”.
Telling that story as an example of the rollercoaster mind games this chronic illness is about.

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Replies to "My neighbors know I retired early because of neuropathy pain ( and terrible fatigue). I am..."

Hi Julbpat,
Recently, I applied for disability as I have severe diabetes and PN (feet, calves, thighs and hands). I have endured the pain and discomfort especially with PN for the last 4 years. I was involved in a court hearing with judge few months ago plus with their team and finally with my own lawyer. They have not yet approved disability but anxious to know the outcome.

I'm 55 and continue to work as I am required to pay bills, mortgage, etc... I have no retirement and/or savings. As I told judge it is an extremely painful experience working to support living situations. Lately, I have taken jobs to pay bills, groceries, etc.. BUT would be later terminated due to additional breaks, time off, etc... The work place is not really an option but I "must" no matter the medical circumstances until I hear word from SSI.

I am not sure IF they will approve but reading your note, I am trying to remain positive with the outcome.

In my opinion, please do not feel guilty nor regret your decision with SSI disability as we should NOT have to suffer to live and work with such pain and discomfort!!! I am glad your able to perform some duties at your very own time and convenience with not being told how, what, when regardless of your condition. Actually, employers do not care nor show compassion towards your mental and medical situations plus terminate even with ADA.

Thank you!

One of the things I find frustrating is when someone say “You look great!” Although I appreciate the compliment, they have no idea what struggles I’ve gone through to make that appearance. I’m so cautious and have to concentrate on every little movement I make.
This communication link is affirming and much appreciated! ❤️